Page 8 - DMEA Week 36 2022
P. 8

DMEA                                           COMPANIES                                               DMEA

                         The ruling brought a two-year legal battle to a   In their claim, the investors said Sasol’s
                         close. The investors’ legal team had contended   leadership at the time had on several occasions
                         that the value of Sasol securities had declined   deliberately underreported the project’s cost
                         significantly as a result of rising cost of the Lake   to investors and the public. They did so “in an
                         Charles Chemical Complex project, thereby   effort to artificially prop up Sasol’s securities
                         causing the investors to incur losses in the hun-  prices and trigger lucrative executive bonus
                         dreds of millions of dollars, Reuters notes.  packages,” the plaintiffs said. ™

       Chariot gains access to GME pipeline under

       tie-in agreement with ONHYM

            AFRICA       UK-BASED Chariot revealed on September 7   “I am very pleased to announce the signing of
                         that it had gained access to a natural gas pipe-  this pipeline tie-in agreement with our partner
                         line under a new agreement with Morocco’s   on the Lixus licence, ONHYM,” he said. “This
                         national oil company (NOC), L’Office National   moves Chariot a step closer towards delivering
                         des Hydrocarbures et des Mines (ONHYM).  first gas from the Anchois gas field to potential
                           In a statement, Chariot explained that its   customers using the GME pipeline. The Anchois
                         tie-in agreement would allow gas from its off-  gas project is a highly strategic asset, given the
                         shore Anchois field to be loaded into the Gaz   continued volatility of global energy markets,
                         Maghreb-Europe (GME) pipeline for transpor-  and combined with its proximity to the interna-
                         tation to various buyers. ONHYM is the opera-  tional GME pipeline, we are well placed to bring
                         tor of the Moroccan section of GME, which was   gas online as quickly as possible.”
                         built to pump Algerian gas along a route that   Anchois lies within the offshore Lixus block.
                         passes through the country and across the Med-  Chariot has said that the field contains at least
                         iterranean Sea to Spain.             637bn cubic feet (18.04bn cubic metres) in 2C
                           Chariot did not say whether it intended to   reserves, and it hopes to begin production in
                         use its access to the GME to export future pro-  2024.
                         duction to the European market via Spain. How-  Equity in the project is divided between
                         ever, it did indicate that the tie-in deal had lent   Chariot, with 75%, and ONHYM, with 25%.
                         extra support to the Anchois project.  Earlier this year, the partners hired a consor-
                           Pierre Raillard, the head of Chariot’s gas divi-  tium formed by Schlumberger (US) and Subsea
                         sion and country director for Morocco, stressed   7 (Luxembourg) to provide front-end engineer-
                         this point.                          ing and design (FEED) services for Anchois. ™

                                                 The Anchois field lies in close proximity to the GME pipeline (Image: Chariot)

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