Page 15 - DMEA Week 36 2022
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

             business new africa       bna/IntelliNews

       “This award is an important part of the long-  terminal (ELNG) in Idku, east of Alexandria.  president of Bechtel Energy said. “Our Bechtel
       term development plan for the field and will   The FEED for the Idku Energy Hub project  team is looking forward to continuing to support
       help strengthen ADNOC’s position as a leading  will explore the benefits of a One Power Hub  Egypt’s climate change strategy.”
       low-cost and low-carbon provider of energy for  concept, integrating the electrical power sys-  Bechtel, Enppi and Petrojet will execute the
       customers around the world.”        tems at the WDDM and ELNG, as opposed to  FEED on a fast-track basis aiming to complete
         ADNOC’s gas masterplan links every part of  having two separate systems. It seeks to increase  the scope of work within 2022.
       the gas value chain to further unlock Abu Dha-  the power saving and greenhouse gas abatement   The project is a testimony to the operational
       bi’s abundant gas reserves enabling domestic gas  benefits of unifying the electrical power systems  excellence in WDDM and ELNG plants. Reduc-
       self-sufficiency, industrial growth and diversi-  of the onshore plants.  ing greenhouse gas emissions and optimising
       fication, as well as to meet growing global gas   The synergies will include optimisation of  fuel consumption and running hours of the
       demand. Natural gas is playing an increasingly  the number of running gas turbine generators,  rotating equipment will enhance production and
       important role in the energy transition as both a  modelling the most efficient operating mode for  reduce operating cost.
       feedstock and a fuel as it burns with significantly  both plants, reducing greenhouse gas emissions   About Shell in Egypt: Shell Egypt N.V. is
       lower-carbon intensity than coal.   and economising the fuel consumption in the  wholly owned by Shell plc. Shell has been active
         With this award, ADNOC Offshore and its  entire hub.                   in Egypt for over 100 years and remains a leading
       strategic international partners have invested   This project is part of a wider program  player in country with investments spanning the
       more than $5bn in recent weeks in the long-term  between the coalition and the Egyptian Ministry  value chain. Shell’s integrated portfolio includes
       development of Abu Dhabi’s offshore operations.  of Petroleum and Mineral Resources aiming to  exploration, upstream operations, LNG through
       The awards included contracts worth more than  decarbonise existing oil and gas facilities across  our Egyptian LNG (ELNG) joint-venture, and
       $3.4bn awarded to ADNOC Drilling to acceler-  the country and deliver on its climate change  the lubricants business through Shell Lubricants
       ate offshore growth activities and a $1.1bn con-  strategy.              Egypt (SLE).
       tract awarded to ADNOC Logistics and Services   “I am so proud that the oil and gas sector   About Bechtel: Bechtel is a trusted engineer-
       to enhance offshore operations.     is contributing significantly to achieving top  ing, construction and project management part-
       ADNOC, September 5 2022             strategic goals: accelerating decarbonisation  ner to industry and government. Differentiated
                                           and economising power consumption,” His  by the quality of our people and our relentless
                                           Excellency Minister of Petroleum and Mineral  drive to deliver the most successful outcomes, we
       REFINING & FUELS                    Resources Tarek El-Molla said. “I am pleased  align our capabilities to our customers’ objectives
                                           that our partners are taking such initiatives to  to create a lasting positive impact. Since 1898,
       Shell, EGAS and Petronas            promote these priorities.”           we have helped customers complete more than
                                                                                25,000 projects in 160 countries on all seven con-
                                              “This project is a demonstration of our com-
       award Idku Energy Hub               mitment to powering progress by providing  tinents that have created jobs, grown economies,
                                           more and cleaner energy,” Khaled Kacem, vice  improved the resiliency of the world’s infrastruc-
       project FEED contract to            president and country chair of Shell Egypt,  ture, increased access to energy, resources, and
                                           said. “As partners in Egypt’s journey to become  vital services, and made the world a safer, cleaner
       Bechtel-led coalition               a regional energy hub we are also mobilising  place.
                                                                                  Bechtel serves the Energy; Infrastructure;
                                           our efforts and expertise to support the coun-
       Shell Egypt, EGAS and Petronas have awarded  try’s energy efficiency ambitions. This is also a  Manufacturing & Technology; Mining & Met-
       a front-end engineering and design (FEED)  significant step towards full implementation of  als; and Nuclear, Security & Environmental mar-
       contract to a Bechtel-led coalition that includes  the decarbonisation Memorandum of Under-  kets. Our services span from initial planning and
       Enppi and Petrojet to study a proposed unified  standing between Shell and the Ministry that  investment, through start-up and operations.
       power system between the onshore gas pro-  was signed earlier this year.”  Bechtel, September 8 2022
       cessing plant of the West Delta Deep Marine   “This project is an excellent example of pri-
       (WDDM) gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea off   vate and public sector partnership to support   World Bank urges Nigeria
       the coast of Egypt and the Egyptian LNG export  Egypt’s decarbonisation strategy,” Paul Marsden,
                                                                                to end fuel price subsidy

                                                                                The World Bank is ready to support Nigeria in
                                                                                phasing out regressive fuel subsidies, its presi-
                                                                                dent, David Malpass, has said.
                                                                                  Nigeria is spending huge sums of money on
                                                                                the fuel subsidy every year, which has taken a sig-
                                                                                nificant toll on the country’s budget. The govern-
                                                                                ment has estimated that it will cost the country
                                                                                NGN6.72 trillion ($15.87bn) for the entirety of
                                                                                2023. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has
                                                                                asked the government to “jettison the current
                                                                                fuel subsidy policy” due to the high cost to the
                                                                                  According to a statement made by Malpass,
                                                                                Nigeria should increase social assistance for
                                                                                the poor and vulnerable and put a stop to the

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