Page 11 - DMEA Week 19 2021
P. 11

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       Israel’s Oil Refineries announces

       results as fire breaks out

        MIDDLE EAST      ISRAELI firm Oil Refineries Ltd (ORL) this  $20-30mn loss in profits.
                         week reported a net profit of $55mn for Q1 on   In a separate statement, the company’s corpo-
                         the back of improved margins, but a fire at its  rate secretary Eli Mordoch said: “The Company
                         Haifa unit is likely to support voices pushing for  is making its best efforts to adjust the activity of
                         closure of the facilities.           the rest of the units and is taking operational and
                           ORL, which is also known as Bazan and is  commercial steps to limit as far as possible any
                         owned by Idan Ofer’s Israel Corp., said that its  harm to the results of its operations.”
                         adjusted refining margin during Q4 2020 and Q1   The timing of the blaze could hardly have
                         2021 had been $4.3 per barrel, compared with  been worse for ORL, with the Haifa facility
                         $1.7 during the same period last year when it  already having come in for intense scrutiny and
                         reported a $146mn loss, though revenues fell by  a report released just days earlier by an executive
                         10% to $1.28bn amid lower demand for trans-  committee, established by the Israeli govern-
                         port fuels.                          ment, that recommended dismantling the ORL’s
                           In a presentation to investors ORL showed  downstream facilities in “as soon as possible, and
                         that demand for jet fuel had fallen by 61% in  within no more than a decade”.
                         Q1 year-over-year, with gasoline and diesel   Kaplinsky said: “The government direc-
                         down just 3% and 4%, respectively as the Israeli  tors-general committee recently released its draft
                         economy has recovered more quickly and many  conclusions on the future of Haifa Bay, from
                         others.                              which it emerges that the committee understood
                           ORL CEO Moshe Kaplinsky said: “Oil Refin-  the importance of continuity in the energy sec-
                         eries has started 2021 with a gradual exit from  tor, and recommended setting up a special team
                         the coronavirus crisis, and recoded consolidated  to negotiate with the industry in a cooperative
                         EBITDA of $74mn. The polymers segment,  spirit to plan the future of Haifa Bay together.”
                         which benefitted from a following wind in the   There has been a growing tide of public opin-
                         form of a positive macro-economic environ-  ion against fossil fuel development and use,
                         ment, demonstrated impressive strength, with  which have focused on pushing for the decom-
                         EBITDA of $59mn in the quarter.”     missioning of the Haifa refinery. Speaking to
                           The company cited a sharp rise in polymer  Downstream MEA (DMEA), Amit Mor, CEO
                         prices and improved oil refining margins as the  of Eco Energy Ltd. said that by 2030, around
                         reason for performance boost.        two thirds of new cars in Israel will be electric
                                                              vehicles as the country continues its shift away
                         Firing line                          from coal.
                         Meanwhile, the company reported a fault in the   Mor said that domestic gas production has
                         continuous catalytic reforming (CCR) unit at  changed Israel’s energy consumption makeup
                         the Haifa refinery, which caused a fire. Though  from roughly 80% coal and 20% oil to around
                         the fire was swiftly extinguished, ORL has been  70% gas, with renewables providing a growing
                         forced to shut down production at the facility for  percentage. The government has a target of pro-
                         several weeks.                       ducing 16 GW by 2030, catering to around 30%
                           The shutdown is expected to result in a  by 2030.™

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