Page 14 - DMEA Week 19 2021
P. 14

DMEA                                   TERMINALS & SHIPPING                                            DMEA

       SCDP says new terminal will

       help reduce Cameroon’s fuel bill

        AFRICA           CAMEROON’S national petroleum product   Before the launch of the new terminal, SCDP
                         concern, Société Camerounaise des Dépôts  often had to pay penalties for tankers that did not
                         Pétroliers (SCDP), expects the total cost of fuel  depart on schedule, she said. “You know that the
                         imports to decline as a result of the completion of  state pays for demurrage every time a boat comes
                         a new oil terminal at the port of Douala.  and has to stay extra days,” Mbio was quoted as
                           Véronique Moampéa Mbio, SCDP’s CEO,  saying by Agence Ecofin. “At the moment, we
                         noted recently that the new terminal would be  [make] on average CFA11bn [$20.36mn] in
                         able to unload refined fuels more rapidly than  demurrage payments.”
                         the port’s No. 1 Wharf, which was pressed into   SCDP  brought  the  Douala  terminal  on
                         service in 2001 after the original terminal was  stream on April 11. The new facility is capable
                         damaged irreparably in a series of accidents. The  of berthing and mooring two large tankers and
                         wharf cannot always unload petroleum prod-  also has a network of pipelines and a pedestrian
                         ucts from tankers quickly since it also handles  bridge. It was built over a period of about two
                         other types of cargo, but the new terminal will  years by a French contractor, Entreprise Jean
                         only load and unload refined fuels, she said. As  Negri et Fils (EJN). The cost of construction
                         a result, she explained, tankers will not have to  came to CFA10bn (18.51mn) and was covered
                         remain in port as long.              by the port authority, known as the Autonomous
                           Moreover, she said, the terminal will be able  Port of Douala (PAD).
                         to accommodate larger ships. As a result, she   Cameroon  is  completely  dependent  on
                         stated, the time needed to pump fuel from tank-  imported petroleum products. It has not been
                         ers to onshore storage tanks is set to drop by 30%  able to produce its own fuel since 2019, when its
                         on average.                          only working refinery was destroyed in a fire.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   13•May•2021
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