Page 15 - DMEA Week 19 2021
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POLICY ongoing talks over Iran’ nuclear programme be followed up and finalized through the
which is expected to see sanctions removed by embassy as soon as possible and within the
Iranian MFA confirms talks the US on Iran in the coming weeks. next three weeks.
At the end of the meeting, the two sides
with Saudi Arabia stressed the two countries’ determination to
develop and improve economic and trade
Iran and Saudi Arabia have held talks to Iran, India discuss relations.
reduce tensions between the two countries, expansion of trade relations MEHR NEWS
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson
Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a televised press During the meeting with the Indian
conference on May 10. Ambassador, Deputy of Iranian Industry PETROCHEMICALS
The two neighbours across the Persian Gulf Minister stressed the need to remove barriers
broke off diplomatic relations in 2016 when to mutual trade and find new solutions for the Iran’s annual petrochemical
Riyadh severed diplomatic relations with Iran development of trade relations between the
after the storming of their diplomatic missions two countries. exports up 13%
in Tehran and Mashhad. The storming Head of Trade Promotion Organization
embassy came after Shiite Iran’s religious of Iran (TPOI) Hamid Zadboum made the Iranian exports of petrochemical products
authorities condemned the ruling Al-Saud remarks in his meeting with the Indian increased by 13% in the previous Iranian
family for executing influential cleric Sheikh Ambassador to Tehran Gaddam Dharmendra. calendar year (ended on March 20) compared
Nimr al-Nimr. Expressing dissatisfaction with the decrease to the preceding year, general secretary of
“The conversation focused on both in trade between Iran and India, Zadboum Iran’s Association of Petrochemical Industry
bilateral and regional issues. We have always said, “It is necessary for the negotiations Corporation (APIC) said.
welcomed such consultations in any form and of the preferential trade agreement for the According to Ahmad Mahdavi Abhari, last
at any level,” he was quoted as saying. exchange of commodity lists subject to the year 11 new petrochemical complexes went
“It is definitely in the interests of both said agreement and the necessary measures operational across Iran which increased the
countries and the region to reduce tensions,” to return petrochemical, industrial and country’s petrochemical output by about 10%.
he said, expressing the hope that Tehran steel goods to the basket of Iranian exports Abhari noted that despite the obstacles
and Riyadh would change the atmosphere to India to enter the implementation phase created by the U.S. sanctions, the Islamic
in relations and achieve substantial mutual immediately.” Republic does not have any problems for
understanding. “In this regard, it was agreed with the close exporting petrochemical products, saying:
At the same time, Khatibzadeh urged to cooperation of the Indian Embassy in Tehran, “Based on a predetermined procedure, the
wait for the results of the negotiations. the negotiated issues to be implemented as transfer of petrochemical revenues into the
Earlier, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, soon as possible,” he added. country is underway.”
Mohammed bin Salman, said in an interview Referring to the date of the video He further mentioned the continuous
with Saudi television that Riyadh expects conference of the head of the Trade development of the country’s petrochemical
good relations with Iran. Promotion Organization of Iran and his industry and said: “This year too, we will
Later, the Iranian Foreign Ministry Indian counterpart, the Indian ambassador, witness a great surge in the production and
supported such statements of the prince amid for his part, stressed that this issue should export of petrochemical products in the
Week 19 13•May•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P15