Page 17 - DMEA Week 19 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       said Jordan would be supplied by oil at a   US smuggles 80 trucks of     tankers was smuggled from northeastern Syria
       discounted price since it would bear the cost                            to northern Iraq, the same report confirmed.
       of transport.                       oil, wheat from Syria to Iraq          Some sources also informed that 43
         The Ministry has set the deadline for                                  American trucks carried wheat from Syria to
       obtaining a copy of the bidding documents   The American forces have reportedly   Iraq on the same day.
       and submitting inquiries on 27 May and the   smuggled 80 trucks of oil and wheat from   Recently, 35 trucks carrying stolen
       deadline for submitting bids is on the third   Syria to Iraq.            wheat were transported from al-Hasakah to
       week of June.                          According to the Syrian news agency,   northern Iraq.
         Jordan’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral   SANA, Americans are looting Syrian   MEHR NEWS
       Resources is responsible for transporting   resources.
       crude oil from Iraq to the refinery in   Local sources in al-Hasakah province, in
       Zarqa, according to the memorandum of   the northeastern corner of Syria, confirmed
       understanding signed between the Jordanian   that US convoys carried Syrian oil and wheat
       and Iraqi sides.                    to northern Iraq this morning.
       ZAWYA                                  A US convoy including 45 trucks and oil

       Week 19   13•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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