Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 27 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            Since then, drilling continued to a final depth  following the global commodities upward trend;
                                           of 4,567 feet (1,392 metres), just slightly beyond  and the Real appreciated about 4% in relation to
       Challenger Energy provides          the pre-drill target depth of 4,557 feet (1,389  the Dollar, as a result, the adjustment will be 7%
                                           metres), and the well has now been fully cased  in BRL per cubic metre.
       Saffron-2 drilling update           and cemented.                          Petrobras clarifies that the final price of nat-
                                              Initial interpretation of the hole section  ural gas to the consumer is determined not only
       AIM-listed Challenger Energy, the Caribbean  below 3,955 feet (1,205 metres) suggests simi-  by the company’s sales price, but also by distrib-
       and Atlantic margin focused oil and gas com-  lar hydrocarbon bearing sand intervals in the  utor margins (and, in the case of NGV, by resale
       pany, with production, appraisal, development  lower Middle Cruse and Lower Cruse units to  stations) and by federal and state taxes. In addi-
       and exploration assets across the region, has  those encountered in Saffron-1, based upon the  tion, the tariff approval process is carried out by
       provided an update on progress of the Saffron-2  correlation of gas peaks from Saffron -2 to those  the state regulatory agencies, according to spe-
       appraisal well as part of the Saffron Project in the  sand intervals already identified in Saffron-1. A  cific legislation and regulations.
       South-West Peninsula of Trinidad.   suite of logs will now be run over each of these   The sales contracts for the distributors are
         Eytan Uliel, CEO, commented: “I am pleased  deeper reservoir sections of interest, anticipated  public and are available at the National Petro-
       to advise that the drilling phase of Saffron-2  to take approximately five to seven days; a fur-  leum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP)
       has been successfully completed at a depth of  ther announcement will be made at that time.  website for consultation.
       4,567 feet [1,392 metres], and the well has been   These deeper reservoir sections and associ-  Petrobras, July 6 2021
       fully cased and cemented. We thus have a well  ated production potential is in addition to the
       to planned target depth intersecting all Upper,  more than 200 feet (61 metres) of pay previously
       Middle and Lower Cruse reservoir units of inter-  identified in Upper Cruse and upper Middle  SERVICES
       est, safely behind pipe and capable of being pro-  Cruse units.
       gressed to production. That is the core objective   The well is being readied for production   Petrobras comments on
       from the Saffron-2 well: to gain an understand-  testing, which is expected to commence on or
       ing of production potential, which in turn will  around July23. Further updates will be provided   seismic acquisition for
       guide how we plan, execute and fund a broader  as appropriate.
       development of the Saffron field. Logging will   Challenger Energy, July 5 2021  Parque das Baleias
       now be conducted to define the specific sands
       and oil zones in the recently drilled sections of                        Petrobras informs that in the first half of July
       the well, and we will provide a further update  DOWNSTREAM               it will begin the first seismic acquisition with
       once this is completed. In parallel, the well is                         Ocean Bottom Nodes (OBN) technology and
       being readied for production, which we expect   Petrobras notes adjustments   new multiphysics surveys (magnetometric and
       will commence around July 23.”                                           gravimetric) of the 3D Nodes project of Parque
         The drilling phase of the Saffron-2 well has   in natural gas contract   das Baleias, also known as the Whale Park, in
       been successful to a depth of 4,567 feet (1,392                          Campos Basin.
       metres).                            prices for distributors                The contract signed with the company Shear-
         The well, in the South-West Peninsula of                               Water Geoservices do Brasil includes seismic
       Trinidad is a twin of the Saffron-1 well, and has  Petrobras informs that, in accordance with the  acquisition with an OBN area of 810 square,
       encountered similar Upper, Middle and Lower  contracts in effect, it will adjust, as of August 1,  totaling investments of about $50mn. The objec-
       Cruse reservoirs to Saffron-1, with an expecta-  2021, the natural gas sale prices for distributors.  tives are to improve 3-D imaging and to obtain
       tion (based upon the Saffron-1 discovery well)   The variation results from the application  future 4-D monitoring of the Parque das Baleias
       of production rates in the range of 200-300 bpd.  of the supply contract formulas, which link the  fields.
       Challenger Energy has a 100% operating interest  price to the oil price and the exchange rate. The   The new seismic records will use OBN tech-
       in the well and the broader Saffron project.  contract prices are updated quarterly. For the  nology, which allows better collection of infor-
         As previously advised (on June 24, 2021) the  months of August, September and October, the  mation of the fields from sensors deposited on
       well had reached a total depth of 4,118 feet (1,255  reference are the quotations of April, May and  the ocean floor. This technological solution is a
       metres), with the drilled horizons to that depth  June.                  reference for monitoring pre-salt and post-salt
       secured behind casing for production testing.   During this period, oil prices rose 13%,  reservoirs, particularly in areas where there are
                                                                                offshore platforms in operation that make acqui-
                                                                                sition with conventional seismic vessels (seismic
                                                                                streamer) impossible.
                                                                                  The new 3D seismic data obtained with OBN
                                                                                will optimise the characterisation of reservoirs
                                                                                and their boundaries, allowing better manage-
                                                                                ment of the fields. In addition, the OBN tech-
                                                                                nique is better suited for 4-D seismic, when 3-D
                                                                                geophysical data surveys at different times are
                                                                                analyzed and allow to follow the displacement
                                                                                of fluids and subtle variations in reservoir rock
                                                                                properties. With this, it is possible to map rock-
                                                                                fluid interaction effects and the geomechanical
                                                                                behavior of the reservoirs, which is essential for
                                                                                extending the life of the fields.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 27   08•July•2021
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