Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 27 2021
P. 11

LatAmOil                                        GUYANA                                             LatAmOil

                         Additionally, they have attracted criticism from   are the US independent company Hess and
                         environmental advocates, some of whom have   state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corp.
                         complained that the environmental permit for   (CNOOC).
                         the Liza-1 project is too lenient.     The partners estimate that the block contains
                           EPA representatives dismissed that argu-  more than 9bn barrels per oil equivalent (boe)
                         ment last week, asserting that the terms of the   and have made 20 discoveries there so far. They
                         permit were actually stricter than international   brought the Liza-1 field on stream in December
                         benchmarks.                          2019 and are due to launch the next three devel-
                           ExxonMobil Guyana is the leader of the   opment projects – Liza-2, Payara and Yellowtail
                         Stabroek project, and its non-operating partners   – in 2022, 2024 and 2025 respectively. ™

       ExxonMobil drills dry hole at Jabillo-1

                         EXXONMOBIL (US) has experienced a dis-
                         appointment at the Canje block offshore Guy-
                         ana, as it did not find commercial quantities of
                         hydrocarbons in the Jabillo-1 well.
                           According to a statement from Canada’s Eco
                         (Atlantic) Oil & Gas, an indirect shareholder
                         in the project, the exploration well was sunk
                         in a location that is about 265 km north-east of
                         Georgetown in 2,903-metre-deep water. It was
                         drilled to a total depth of 6,475 metres and was
                         able to test the designated target layers – namely,
                         Upper Cretaceous reservoirs in a stratigraphic
                           However, the statement said, Jabillo-1 “did
                         not show evidence of commercial hydrocar-
                         bons.” As such, it is now due to be plugged and
                           ExxonMobil and the other shareholders
                         in the Canje project are now pinning their
                         hopes on the next exploration drilling target –
                         Sapote-1, which lies in the eastern section of the
                         block. The partners expect to spud the new well
                         in mid-August, after the Stena DrillMAX drill-
                         ship finishes its current assignment at the neigh-
                         bouring Stabroek block, which is also operated
                         by ExxonMobil.
                           Sapote-1 will be drilled at a site that is about
                         100 km south-east of Jabillo-1. The site is also 50
                         km north of Haimara, a section of the Stabroek
                         block where ExxonMobil encountered about
                         63 metres of gas condensate-bearing sand-
                         stone reservoirs in an exploration well, and 60
                         km north-west of Maka Central, a section of   Jabillo-1 is the second exploration well drilled at the Canje block (Image: JHI)
                         Block 58 offshore Suriname where TotalEn-
                         ergies (France) encountered about 50 metres   He also expressed optimism about the pros-
                         of oil-bearing sandstone reservoirs in another   pect of finding hydrocarbons in the Sapote sec-
                         exploration well.                    tion of the Canje block, saying: “The targets in
                           “While today’s update from JHI is disap-  the region have proven to hold some hundreds
                         pointing, this is the nature of oil exploration,”   of millions of barrels of oil and oil equivalent,
                         commented Gil Holzman, Eco Atlantic’s   and we look forward to similar scaled results
                         co-founder and CEO. “Our stakeholders con-  from this upcoming well.”
                         tinue to support our exploration efforts and   Eco Atlantic recently gained an indirect stake
                         look for us to continue to define these near-term   in the Canje project via its acquisition of a 6.4%
                         high-impact opportunities. Our next focus is the   stake in JHI Associates, a Canadian company
                         Sapote-1 prospect to be spudded in the upcom-  that has 17.5% of the block. The remaining
                         ing weeks, which brings us another opportunity   equity in Canje is divided between ExxonMobil
                         to share in what we hope to be another major   (operator), with 35%; TotalEnergies, with 35%;
                         ExxonMobil led discovery.”           and Mid-Atlantic Oil & Gas, with 12.5%. ™

       Week 27   08•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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