Page 13 - DMEA Week 02 2022
P. 13

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              COMPANIES                            that some of the funds received by Prime
                                                                                from the bank for the last two transactions
       Gabonese workers strike             UAE oil trader defrauded             were dissipated “within a matter of days” to
                                                                                an account belonging to Renish and another
       over Covid measures                 Mauritius bank out of $21mn          company, Petro Hub Energy FZE, which was
                                                                                controlled by Renish’s CEO.
       Gabon’s oil workers’ union (ONEP) and water   A United Arab Emirates oil trading company   SBM also alleged that Prime was complicit
       and utilities workers’ union (SYNTEE+)   committed fraud when it arranged for part of   in the fraud and it was essentially operating as
       began an indefinite general strike on Tuesday,   a trade finance facility extended by Mauritian   a single entity with Renish. But minutes before
       11 January in protest against coronavirus   bank SBM to be dissipated to related entities   the October 2021 trial was scheduled to begin,
       (COVID-19) restrictions and the cost of PCR   and failed to repay more than US$21mn owed   the bank and Prime reached a confidential
       tests.                              to the lender, a court in Dubai has ruled.  settlement so the judgement made no finding
         The general strike will cover all companies   Renish Petrochem FZE secured a lending   against the company.
       in oil and related activities, water and   facility with SBM Bank in November 2017   Prime did not respond to a request for
       electricity sectors throughout Gabon, the   under which the bank advanced payments to   comment from GTR. The company’s website
       striking trade unions said.         Renish’s supplier of crude oil, Prime Energy   says it is based in Sharjah and was founded
         ONEP first threatened strike action on 8   FZE.                        in 2012 “to satisfy the growing demand for
       January over an increase in the cost of PCR   Lanka, a Sri Lankan offshoot of the Indian   oil and fuel products”. Ali Dideh Var Sadr,
       tests, and measures that establish the health   Oil Corporation which had agreed to buy   a consultant, was delegated with running
       pass as a condition for access to work or to   the cargoes, would then pay the bank via an   Prime’s operations at the time of the facility,
       spaces.                             account belonging to Renish.         according to the judgement.
         “Our strike notice launched 10 days ago   According to a December 29 judgement   Renish and Mehta could not be reached
       expired on Monday. We were not called to   handed down in the Dubai International   for comment. An archived version of Renish’s
       open negotiations. We therefore launched   Financial Centre Courts, the first three   now-defunct website describes the company
       the strike,” ONEP deputy secretary-general   transactions were repaid to the bank without   as a “manufacturer, exporter, importer,
       Sylvain Mayabith told Gabon Actu.   a hitch but three further advances totalling   trader, supplier and distributor” of petroleum
         Gabon, which re-joined OPEC in 2016   around US$30mn, between April and June   products across multiple markets.
       after a 20-year absence, is often subject to   2018, were not.             The case has echoes of similar collapses
       strikes by ONEP over employment terms.  Renish’s managing director, Hitesh Mehta,   and fraud allegations against small and
         As OPEC’s second-smallest producer,   who personally guaranteed the facility,   medium-sized traders in recent years,
       Gabon has seen a drop-off in exploration and   stopped contact with the bank after the fourth   particularly in Asia and the Middle East,
       development drilling in the past five years.   payment became overdue in June 2018 and   which have left banks scrambling to recoup
       Its oil output is about 200,000 barrels per day   a business intelligence firm engaged by SBM   losses.
       (bpd), according to S&P Global Platts.  found in July that the firm’s offices were locked   The rash of insolvencies and fraudulent
       BNE                                 and “apparently abandoned”.          trading activity, many of which were exposed
                                             Evidence presented by the bank shows   when markets were battered by the outbreak

       Week 02   13•January•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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