Page 15 - DMEA Week 02 2022
P. 15
The source added that in the upcoming to upgrade their facilities to produce high- suspended operations due to unfavourable
weeks and months will witness a large increase quality gasoline, many are seeking modular weather conditions, a report by Bloomberg
in stealing and looting the Syrian oil from al- solutions to maintain costs and mitigate risk showed. Data showed that crude exports were
Jazeera region by the US occupation and the with pre-fabrication and assembly completed 45% lower than average in the first week of
QSD militia after installing the refinery. in a safe and controlled environment off-site. 2022.
In the same context, local sources said In addition, modular technology provides a The closures were also affected by a
that the US occupation forces brought out faster pathway to operations with facilities blockade by paramilitaries in the west amid
on Saturday evening a convoy of 79 vehicles, coming online less time. countrywide political tensions following the
including tankers loaded with stolen Syrian “Depending upon capacity and location, delay of the presidential elections that were
oil, refrigerators, and a number of trucks, UOP’s modular technologies can reduce planned to have been held on December 24,
accompanied by four military vehicles, construction and installation costs more 2021.
heading to the northern Iraq via the illegal than 20 percent compared with systems The ports which halted their operations
crossings. constructed on site,” said Laura Leonard, included Es Sider, Ras Lanuf, Hariga
SANA vice president and general manager, UOP and Zueitina terminals. The closures are
Process Technologies. “By upgrading with anticipated to continue until next week.
Lanaz to use Honeywell this technology, Lanaz can start operations Guard (PFG) suspended crude exports from
Earlier last month, the Petroleum Facilities
between a year and 18 months faster than
technology to modernise the traditional field-fabricated model, and its western Zawiya and Mellitah ports after
quickly produce high-quality gasoline to meet
militias halted the country’s biggest oilfield,
Iraqi refinery growing demand.” The Lanaz Refinery is a Sharara.
fully equipped, high capacity refinery built
Ports that are still open include Brega,
Honeywell announced today that the Lanaz in 2008 in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and and offshore terminals Bouri and Farwah.
Company will use UOP modular naphtha processes about 100,000 bpd of crude oil. However, they contribute only 25% of total
hydrotreating and fixed-bed Platforming HONEYWELL crude exports. Libya is now pumping around
process units to upgrade its refinery in Iraq 900,000 bpd, roughly 350,000 a day less than a
so it can produce more cleaner-burning month ago, even after repairs were completed
transportation fuels. TERMINALS & SHIPPING on a major pipeline in the east. In 2021,
The project marks the first use of UOP production averaged 1.2mn bpd.
modular technology in the country and will Libyan exports to fall amid In December PFG last month shut Sharara
help Lanaz comply with increasingly strict and other smaller western fields in a dispute
specifications for fuel products. inclement weather, political over delayed salary payments.
UOP has supplied licensing and basic BNE
engineering design services as well as full conditions
modular units to Lanaz, based in Erbil in the
Kurdistan region of Iraq. Libya’s oil exports are expected to continue
As refiners in developing economies seek their downward trend as eastern ports have
Week 02 13•January•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P15