Page 14 - DMEA Week 02 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       of Covid-19 in 2020, have led many top   Iran’s Oil Minister Javad Owji said during   it, it is obvious that the soot is having health
       commodities finance banks to shrink their   a visit to the refinery on Thursday that the   effects on the people of Rivers state,” he said.
       exposure to the sector and focus on large   facility will fed on super heavy oil from   “Based on that, we set up a task force to
       traders.                            Soroush and Nowruz oilfields in the Persian   go after these bunkerers and on the 8th of
       GT REVIEW                           Gulf.                                this month at Marine Base we arrested 10
                                              Owji said private owners of the Qeshm   suspects, who were escorting two tanker loads
                                           Refinery had provided around $220 million   of illegally-refined petroleum products.
       REFINING                            in investment for construction of the   “They were arrested while moving two
                                           refinery and for the supply of machinery and   tankers, each containing 45 litres of illegally-
       Fajr Jam gas refinery               equipment to the facility.           refined petroleum products.”
                                                                                  he police commissioner identified the
                                              He said the refinery could reach a refining
       increases LPG output                capacity of 100,000 barrels per day within the   suspects as Aliyi Abdulahi, Abdulrahim
                                           next three years.
                                                                                Usman, Iskaku Adamu, Basiru Abubakar,
       With the help of development projects at the   Qeshm in one of the world’s largest islands   Abubakar Usman, Mohammed Mohammed,
       Fajr Jam Gas Refining Company in southern   that is located in the Persian Gulf just few   Yahaya Japhat, Salisu Usman, M. Abubarka
       Iran, the production of liquefied petroleum   kilometres off the southern Iranian coast.  and Buhari Buhari.
       gas has increased at the refinery, managing   The area is one of major special economic   He said on January 9, “our men also
       director of the company said.       zones of Iran where regulations are more   arrested two suspects at Elele town. The
         “The refinery now produces 130 tons per   lax compared to the mainland to encourage   two suspects, Godwin Ezekiel and Ifeanyi
       day of LPG, which is higher than last year,”   more investment in trade and manufacturing   Asumuga, were arrested with two trucks of
       Abdolsamad Najafi was also quoted as saying   activities in the region.  petroleum trucks and a Sports Utility Vehicle
       by the Oil Ministry’s news agency Shana.  Qeshm Heavy Oil Refinery will become   also loaded with petroleum products, on their
         “Currently, more than 35 million cubic   a major supplier of bitumen in Iran as local   way to Imo state.
       meters of gas are received from the South Pars   authorities said the facility will be responsible   “The same 8th of this month, we had
       Gas Field and will reach 50 mcm soon,” he   for one fifth of Iran’s total bitumen exports in   information that at Ugbuatafa in Rumuji,
       added.                              the near future.                     six persons were trying to start the illegal
       FINANCIAL TRIBUNE                   PRESSTV                              refining business when our men stormed the
                                                                                place and arrested five of them. In the course
       Iran opens its first super          Police arrest 18 illegal             of investigation, it was discovered that one
                                                                                Daniel Milito, who is the sponsor, was also
       heavy oil refinery in Qeshm refinery operators in Rivers                 arrested”.
                                                                                  Eboka identified the five suspects as Isaac
       Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is to officially   State                 Onuzoru, Alfred Okagbue, Keneddy Ezenwo,
       inaugurate a first super heavy oil refinery in                           Christopher Agala and Sunday Onozuru.
       Iran on Friday as the country moves ahead   Friday Eboka, Rivers commissioner of police,   THE CABLE
       with plans to develop its massive petroleum   says its operatives have arrested 18 persons
       sector despite sanctions imposed by the   involved in illegal oil refining activities in   Americans install refinery
       United States.                      different parts of the state.
         The official IRNA news agency said in   Eboka said this while parading the suspects   at Syria’s Rmelan fields
       a Thursday report that Raisi will open the   in Port Harcourt on Monday.
       Qeshm Heavy Oil Refinery on the second   The Cable had reported that Nyesom Wike,  The US occupation forces and the separatist
       day of his provincial tour to the southern   Rivers governor, had directed that suspected   QSD militia installed an oil refinery in Rmelan
       Hormozgan region.                   illegal refinery operators and a director of   fields in Hasaka north eastern, in parallel with
         It said the refinery had been working on   energy be arrested over soot pollution in the   stealing dozens of tankers laden with oil and
       a pilot basis and using a half of its refining   state.                  transferring them to Iraqi territories.
       capacity in recent years, adding that the   Eboka said the arrests followed the   A source at Directorate of Rmelan fields
       facility has now reached its full capacity for   directive by the governor.  told SANA that the oil refinery has a capacity
       processing 70,000 barrels per day of crude.  “Besides the economic sabotage aspect of   to refine 3,000 barrels per day.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   13•January•2022
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