Page 4 - GLNG Week 36 2021
P. 4

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Demand for carbon-neutral LNG

       grows amid growing criticism

       Demand for carbon-neutral LNG is rising, but critics are increasingly arguing

       that using carbon offsets is not an effective way to combat climate change

        ENERGY           THE concept of carbon-neutral LNG – still in  not as effective as not having those emissions in
        TRANSITION       its infancy – is rising in popularity. The first car-  the first place.
                         bon-neutral cargoes were delivered in 2019, and   “This paradigm … is encouraging a fictitious
       WHAT:             since then a small – but growing – number of  engine that doesn’t help advance our net-zero
       Critics are increasingly   LNG players have announced the purchase or  goals,” Danny Cullenward, a Stanford Univer-
       questioning the use of   sale of such a cargo.         sity lecturer, who is also policy director at the
       offsets to sell carbon-  But while the emerging trade in carbon-neu-  non-profit CarbonPlan, was quoted by Bloomb-
       neutral LNG.      tral cargoes is being welcomed and praised in a  erg as saying.
                         world where decarbonisation is increasingly a   Indeed, a similar criticism is being levelled at
       WHY:              priority, the concept is also progressively com-  the concept of net-zero emissions more broadly,
       Opponents of the practice   ing under fire from critics. This is because those  as ultimately achieving it will require offsetting
       point out that it does   carbon-neutral cargoes traded thus far have  existing emissions rather than releasing none.
       not actually prevent   all relied on carbon credits from other, often   Critics – including those within the LNG
       emissions.        nature-based projects. Thus direct emissions  industry – are calling for more transparency
                         are still generated from the production of LNG.  when it comes to offsetting emissions with car-
       WHAT NEXT:          Indeed, Bloomberg recently cited France’s  bon credits.
       Demand for carbon-  TotalEnergies – one of the companies to have
       neutral LNG is on the rise   made a foray into carbon-neutral LNG – as  On the rise
       as buyers and sellers   saying it does not count carbon credits in its  Despite these concerns, though, carbon-neu-
       alike seek to bolster their   companywide emissions reports or as part of its  tral LNG shipments are rising. According to
       green credentials.  plan to reach net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG)  BloombergNEF, twice as many carbon-neu-
                         emissions by 2050.                   tral LNG shipments have changed hands so
                           “While an important tool … offsetting cannot  far this year than in 2019 and 2020 combined.
                         be considered as a substitute for direct emissions  North Asian buyers in particular are increas-
                         reductions by corporates, but as a complement,”  ingly turning to carbon-neutral cargoes as
                         the company was quoted as saying.    they seek to reduce emissions while meeting
                                                              growing demand for natural gas and power
                         Criticism                            generation.
                         Critics are increasingly highlighting these   Japan is the largest buyer of carbon-neutral
                         aspects of carbon-neutral LNG and arguing  LNG thus far. Indeed, one of the most recent
                         that balancing emissions that are added to the  carbon-neutral cargoes to be announced was
                         atmosphere with an equal amount of removal is  delivered by Malaysia’s Petronas to Japan’s

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   10•September•2021
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