Page 7 - GLNG Week 36 2021
P. 7

GLNG                                           AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       GNL Quintero and partners moving

       ahead with green hydrogen project

        ENERGY           THE backers of a green hydrogen project in   The facility will consist of a hydrolysis plant
        TRANSITION       Chile are said to have already arranged to sell  powered by 10 MW of Acciona Energía’s wind
                         more than half of their initial production.  and solar generating capacity in Chile. It will
                           According to a report from Argus Media,  receive electricity via Chile’s national trans-
                         GNL Quintero, the operator of Chile’s Quintero  mission grid, Argus Media reported, citing an
                         LNG terminal, and its Spanish partners Enagas  environmental application that the partners sub-
                         and Acciona Energía have signed preliminary  mitted last month. The partners are now wait-
                         off-take agreements with several customers.  ing for the government to grant environmental
                         These agreements cover 70% of the hydrogen  authorisation for the project.
                         that the plant will produce in its first stage of   The first buyers of the green hydrogen are
                         operation, said an executive close to the project.  likely to be companies operating in the nearby
                           The source did not name any of the buyers,  Quintero-Puchuncaví industrial zone. The zone
                         citing corporate confidentiality considerations.  is home to the 104,000 barrel per day (bpd)
                           GNL Quintero, Enagas and Acciona Energía  Aconacagua refinery owned by Chile’s national
                         unveiled plans to build a green hydrogen pro-  oil company (NOC) ENAP, as well as a copper
                         duction facility at the Quintero LNG terminal  smelter owned by Chile’s national copper-min-
                         last month. They have said they intend to spend  ing concern Codelco, a coal-fired thermal power
                         about $30mn on the plant, which will turn out an  plant (TPP) owned by a subsidiary of US-based
                         initial 430 tonnes per year of green hydrogen, ris-  AES, and other industrial facilities.
                         ing later to 640 tpy. Production is slated to begin   Enagas and GNL Quintero are already closely
                         in late 2024 or early 2025 and will be loaded onto  affiliated. The Spanish company has a 45.4%
                         tanker trucks for delivery to local consumers.  stake in the LNG terminal operator.™

       Cheniere unveils capital

       allocation plan

        INVESTMENT       US LNG producer Cheniere Energy said this   Cheniere will target around $1bn per year in
                         week that its board of directors has approved  debt repayment, saying it would aim for “invest-
                         a long-term capital allocation plan. The plan is  ment grade consolidated credit metrics by the
                         aimed at bolstering the company’s balance sheet  early-to-mid 2020s”. Repayment of secured call-
                         while returning “significant” capital to share-  able or maturing project debt will be prioritised
                         holders and continuing to invest in accretive,  in a bid to strengthen project credit metrics.
                         organic growth, Cheniere said in a September 7   The company is also launching a stock divi-
                         statement.                           dend for the first time in its history. The quarterly
                           The company said it had reached a “cash flow  dividend of $0.33 per share will be payable from
       Cheniere will progress   inflection point”, with its 2021 financial results  November 17.
       Corpus Christi LNG   expected to be at the high end of guidance and   According to the statement, Cheniere will
       Stage 3 towards a final   the substantial completion of Sabine Pass Train 6  reset its $1bn share buyback programme for an
       investment decision in   anticipated in the first quarter of 2022. The train  additional three years beginning in the fourth
       2022.             had previously been anticipated to reach sub-  quarter of 2021. Share repurchases under the
                         stantial completion in the first half of next year.  previous $1bn authorisation resumed in the
                           Cheniere now expects to generate around  third quarter of the year, the company said.
                         $10bn of cumulative distributable cash flow   On the growth side, Cheniere noted that
                         (DCF) between now and 2024, with annual run-  it would progress Corpus Christi LNG Stage
                         rate DCF of $2.6-3.0bn. The plan is designed to  3 towards a final investment decision (FID)
                         achieve a run-rate DCF of $15-17 per share on a  in 2022, once the remaining investment and
                         long-term basis, inclusive of the Corpus Christi  commercial parameters for the project have
                         Stage 3 expansion project, the company added.  been met.™

       Week 36   10•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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