Page 8 - GLNG Week 36 2021
P. 8

GLNG                                   PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            GLNG

                                                                                                  The Golden Pass
                                                                                                  liquefaction plant is
                                                                                                  being developed at
                                                                                                  the site of an existing
                                                                                                  import terminal.

       Golden Pass LNG aims for 2024 start-up

        PERFORMANCE      THE first train at the Golden Pass LNG terminal,  be a better time to secure buyers. Indeed, Exx-
                         which is under construction in Texas, is sched-  onMobil Qatar’s president, Dominic Genetti,
                         uled to enter service in 2024, according to com-  expressed confidence over the timing of the pro-
                         ments made on a webinar hosted by US-Qatar  ject’s development on the USQBC webinar.
                         Business Council (USQBC) recently.     “I think the timing is going to be good
                           The three-train, 16mn tonne per year (tpy)  in the market. And we’re looking forward
                         facility is being developed by Qatar Petroleum  to start-up in 2024,” Genetti said. He added
                         (QP) and ExxonMobil at the site of an exist-  that there were currently about 4,000 people
                         ing regasification terminal that was developed  at the worksite. This comes after Golden Pass
                         prior to the shale boom, when the US antici-  LNG indicated in a late August filing with the
                         pated becoming a major importer of gas. While  US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission   Former Qatari
                         the US does not generally need to import LNG  (FERC), that it was progressing activities that
                         currently, the partners are planning to keep the  included installing the foundation for the first   Energy Minister
                         import terminal in order to have the flexibil-  train, piling in Train 3 and erecting steel in a
                         ity to respond to any future changes in market  new controls building.      Abdullah Bin
                         conditions.                            Meanwhile, former Qatari Energy Minister
                           Construction of the liquefaction and export  Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Attiyah said Golden  Hamad Al-Attiyah
                         capacity at the site involves an investment of  Pass would likely supply QP’s European cus-  said Golden
                         around $10bn. Unusually for a US facility, the  tomers, freeing up the company’s domestic sup-
                         final investment decision (FID) on Golden  plies to make up exports to other Middle Eastern   Pass would
                         Pass was taken without any offtake agreements  countries and Asia. Indeed, construction is cur-
                         being signed for the project. This is owing to  rently underway on a giant expansion of QP’s   likely supply
                         ExxonMobil and state-owned QP both hav-  domestic liquefaction capacity. And the US and
                         ing sufficiently deep pockets to move forward  Qatar are increasingly expected to compete in   QP’s European
                         with such a major project. It subsequently also  terms of LNG exports, but the partnership on   customers.
                         emerged that the companies wanted to separate  Golden Pass LNG, in which QP owns 70% while
                         the rationale for an FID for a liquefaction project  ExxonMobil holds 30%, marks an exception to
                         from the ultimate execution of that project.  this.
                           Discussions over potential offtake agree-  Natural gas prices have risen to record highs
                         ments were subsequently reported to be under-  this year, and some analysts expect them to nor-
                         way. No deals have been announced to date,  malise around 2024-25 – when Golden Pass and
                         but with LNG demand growing and interest  other projects that are part of a new wave of liq-
                         in supply agreements picking up, it may now  uefaction capacity start coming online.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   10•September•2021
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