Page 10 - GLNG Week 06 2022
P. 10

GLNG                                            AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       Cedar LNG awards FEED contract

        PROJECTS &       CANADA’S Cedar LNG announced this week  interim president and CEO, Scott Burrows.
        COMPANIES        that it had awarded a front-end engineering and   Cedar LNG’s CEO, Doug Arnell, also talked
                         design (FEED) contract to Black & Veatch and  up the project’s low carbon footprint in the
                         Samsung Heavy Industries for its proposed float-  statement.
                         ing LNG (FLNG) project. The FEED contract   Cedar LNG anticipates making a final invest-
                         covers the project’s floating liquefaction, storage  ment decision (FID) on the project in 2023, after
                         and offloading unit.                 the environmental assessment process is due to
                           Pembina Pipeline and the Haisla Nation are  be completed. It would then be expected to enter
                         partners in Cedar LNG. Pembina acquired a 50%  service in 2027.
                         interest in the project last year.     Progress on Cedar LNG comes amid
                           The proposed 3mn tonne per year (tpy)  increased talk of a revival for stalled LNG pro-
                         facility would be the largest First Nations-  posals across North America as prices for the
                         owned  infrastructure  project  in  Canada,  super-chilled fuel remain high and demand
                         according to Haisla Nation Chief Councillor  shows no sign of declining.
                         Crystal Smith.                         Most of the proposed North American devel-
                           Cedar LNG said in its February 8 statement  opments are located on the US Gulf Coast, but
                         on the FEED contract that it had also recently  current market conditions are also improving
                         applied for an environmental assessment cer-  prospects for certain Canadian proposals. For
                         tificate (EAC) from the British Columbia Envi-  example, Pieridae Energy said in late January
                         ronmental Assessment Office. This moves the  that it was considering redesigning its stalled
                         project into the 180-day application review  Goldboro LNG project in Nova Scotia to be a
                         phase.                               smaller, floating facility.
                           “The submission of our application for an   “I think we’re moving into a different phase
                         EAC represents another significant step forward  of energy worldwide pricing and that’s one of
                         in exporting Canadian LNG to overseas markets,  the reasons why we continue to work on the pro-
                         while supporting long-term prosperity for the  ject,” Pieridae’s CEO, Alfred Sorensen, told BNN
                         Haisla Nation and the region,” stated Pembina’s  Bloomberg at the time.™


       Inpex unveils plans for Ichthys CCS project

        ENERGY           JAPAN’S Inpex has unveiled plans to build  liquefaction capacity over the coming years,
        TRANSITION       a carbon capture and storage (CCS) project  raising it to 9.3mn tpy by 2024 and potentially
                         at its Ichthys LNG terminal in Australia. The  further around 2030. This would likely result in
                         plans, described in Inpex’s long-term strategy  increased CO2 emissions as well.
                         and medium-term business plan, which was   The Ichthys facility already has CO2 separa-
                         unveiled this week, form part of the company’s  tion and capture equipment, according to Nik-
                         push to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG)  kei Asia. The newspaper reported that Inpex
                         emissions by 2050.                   was in discussions with a number of non-Japa-
                           According to the plans, Inpex will introduce  nese companies that have expertise in CCS and
                         CCS to Ichthys in the late 2020s. Initially, it will  was aiming to enter into a collaboration for the
                         inject at least 2mn tonnes per year (tpy) of car-  project.
                         bon dioxide (CO2) produced by Ichthys LNG,   Inpex said it was planning to invest up to
                         but ultimately it could be expanded to capture up  JPY4.4 trillion ($38bn) into growth areas over
                         to 7mn tpy of CO2. The company said it wanted  the nine years between now and 2030, including
                         to play a leading role in establishing a CCS hub in  up to JPY1 trillion ($8.7bn) into decarbonisation
                         Darwin, in Australia’s Northern Territory.  initiatives including ammonia and hydrogen.
                           The CCS project is estimated to cost  After it establishes its CCS project at Ichthys it
                         JPY100bn ($865mn) and would be one of the  hopes to harness the know-how gained from
                         world’s largest.                     developing that scheme and apply it to a future
                           The Ichthys LNG terminal has the capacity to  venture in Japan. CCS is not currently viable in
                         produce 8.9mn tpy of LNG, and is estimated to  Japan as a result of the regulatory environment,
                         have CO2 emissions of around 7.6mn tpy. How-  though Inpex appears hopeful that this will
                         ever, Inpex is planning to expand the project’s  change in the future.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   11•February•2022
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