Page 9 - GLNG Week 06 2022
P. 9

GLNG                                             AFRICA                                               GLNG

       Sonatrach, DEPA extend LNG supply deal

        PROJECTS &       ALGERIA’S  national oil company (NOC)  stressed the long-standing relationship between
        COMPANIES        Sonatrach and Greece’s state-owned natural gas  the two companies.
                         company DEPA confirmed on February 4 that   Xifaras commented: “The renewal of the
                         they had extended their long-term LNG supply  LNG supply contract with Sonatrach seals our
                         contract the day before.             long-term, constructive co-operation with a
                           In separate press releases, the two companies  market partner. The signing of this agreement,
                         reported that they had agreed to increase the  by adapting the terms to current trends, meets
                         term of their existing contract while also adapt-  DEPA Commerce’s strategic goal of providing
                         ing the terms of that contract to bring them into  its customers with sufficient quantities of nat-
                         line with current trends and anticipated future  ural gas at competitive prices from reliable and
                         developments in global energy markets. They  diversified sources, thus ‘shielding’ the country’s
                         also stated that the changes would take effect ret-  energy security.”
                         roactively as of January 1, 2022.      Greece imported its first cargo of Algerian
                           Neither the Greek company nor the Alge-  LNG in 2000, and since then, Algeria has become
                         rian NOC specified the length of the contract  the Southern European country’s largest single
                         extension. Nor did either party offer insight as  supplier of LNG. Sonatrach delivers cargoes
                         to the nature of the changes in the terms of the  from the Skikda LNG plant to the Revythousa
                         contract.                            regasification terminal, a facility in the Gulf of
                           DEPA noted in its statement that the agree-  Megara near Athens that is owned by DESFA, a
                         ment to extend the contract had been signed  fully-owned subsidiary of DEPA.
                         online. The signatories were DEPA’s CEO Kon-  According to previous reports, the volume
                         stantinos Xifaras and Sonatrach’s vice-president  of these shipments amounts to the equivalent of
                         for marketing Fatiha Neffah, both of whom  about 500mn-1bn cubic metres per year of gas.™


       Canadian government rejects

       Quebec LNG project

        PROJECTS &       THE Canadian government has rejected GNL  gas (GHG) emissions or that it would help with
        COMPANIES        Québec’s Énergie Saguenay LNG project. The  the transition to greener forms of energy. The
                         move follows a rejection from the provincial  province also required the project to have suf-
                         government of Quebec in July 2021 and could  ficient public support, but after it failed to meet
                         spell the project’s demise.          Quebec’s first two criteria, it did not analyse the
                           Canada’s Minister of Environment and Cli-  third.
                         mate Change, Steven Guilbeault, announced the   GNL Québec cannot proceed with the pro-
                         decision on February 7, based on the findings of  ject without the relevant provincial and federal
                         an environmental assessment report from the  approvals, but the IAAC said that the federal
                         Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC).  government’s decision does not prevent GNL
                         The report cited “significant adverse environ-  Québec from submitting new project proposals
                         mental effects” related to an increase in green-  and does not rule out eventual development of
                         house gas (GHG) emissions. It was referred to  the project. Nonetheless, the path forward now
                         the Governor in Council, who found that these  looks even more challenging and it would not be
                         effects were not justified in this instance.  surprising if the company opts to abandon the
                           “The Énergie Saguenay Project underwent a  project.
                         rigorous review that clearly demonstrates that   The CAD14bn ($11bn) Énergie Saguenay
                         the negative effects the project would have on  project is designed to have the capacity to export
                         the environment are in no way justifiable,” stated  11mn tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG from Can-
                         Guilbeault.                          ada’s East Coast. Western Canadian natural gas
                           The government of Quebec rejected the  would have been used for feedstock.
                         project on similar grounds last year. It said that   The government’s rejection of the project also
                         GNL Québec had failed to prove that the scheme  spells bad news for a planned 780-km pipeline
                         would lead to a reduction in global greenhouse  designed to serve the proposed terminal.™

       Week 06   11•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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