Page 21 - FSUOGM Week 42
P. 21

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       Cargo, claims LTG Cargo has not received   Namely, there is uncertainty about the   hailed on October 14 the "substantial
       a single notification from cargo owners that   Ukraine-IMF deal, meaning Ukraine’s   completion" of the construction works on
       the company would not need to carry the   sovereign risk is high, while the recent   the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) pipeline
       cargoes agreed in the contracts.    interim report of Naftogaz (with losses at the   that passes through Albania as a “strategically
         Belarus has said this week it plans to ship   EBITDA level) does not add optimism about   important” project.
       at least one oil product cargo via Russia’s   the company’s prospects. Such timing might   The 878-kilometre pipeline starts at the
       Baltic port of Ust-Luga in October.  suggest, therefore, that Naftogaz is expecting   Greek/Turkish border, crosses Albania
         Belarusian cargoes accounted for 30.5% of   even worse conditions for a new bond issue   and, after passing under the Adriatic Sea,
       Klaipeda's total handling volumes (14.1mn   in the near future. All this means Naftogaz   terminates in southern Italy. It constitutes
       tonnes out of 46.3mn) last year. Besides oil   is likely to see a higher rate on its new bonds   the final segment of the Southern Gas
       products, fertiliser producer Belaruskali also   as compared to any of the existing notes,’ an   Corridor (SCG), a supply route to transport
       exports its products via Klaipeda, accounting   analyst at the Kyiv-based Concorde Capital   Caspian Sea gas from Azerbaijan via
       for almost 9mn tonnes per year (tpy).  brokerage said in a research note..  Georgia, Turkey, Greece and Albania, as
         Party-owned by Belaruskali, Biriu                                      well as under the Adriatic, to Europe.
       Kroviniu Terminalas hopes to handle around                                 “TAP will carry natural gas from the
       16mn tonnes of Belarusian fertilizers over                               Caspian Sea to Europe via Greece &
       the next five years.                                                     Albania, making Albania an integral part
         Lietuvos Gelezinkeliai carries 18-19mn   CENTRAL ASIA & SOUTH          of diversified regional energy architecture.
       tpy of Belarusian products and receives                                  Energy diversification = choice = security =
       around €100mn of revenue for doing so.  CAUCASUS                         independence,” Kim said in a tweet.
                                                                                  TAP AG, the company that operates the
                                           Kazakhstan to launch new             pipeline, said in a statement on October 12
       Naftogaz tenders $335mn in          integrated gas chemical              that after almost four and a half years since
                                                                                the start of construction, the TAP project is
       2022, 2024 notes, aims to           complex in 2021                      substantially completed.
                                                                                  “The TAP pipeline has been filled with
       sell longer bonds                   Kazakhstan will launch an integrated gas   natural gas from the Greek-Turkish border
                                                                                up to the pipeline receiving terminal in
       Naftogaz of Ukraine (NAFTO) initiated on   chemical complex in the country’s western   Southern Italy,” it said in a statement.
       October 14 a tender offer for its $335mn   Atyrau Region in 2021, the managing director   The company added that currently it
       bond maturing in July 2022 and €600mn   for technology of Kazakhstan Petrochemical   was finalising preparations for launching
       notes maturing in July 2024. The maximum   Industries (KPI), Bolat Abdualiyev, said at   the commercial operations and offering
       amount to be purchased is initially set at   the 7th international online conference “Oil   capacity to the market in alignment with the
       $335mn of par value of the bonds, with   refining and petrochemistry of the Caspian and   adjacent TSOs.
       priority given to the shorter notes. The tender   Central Asia”.           The interconnection point between
       price for the 2022 notes is 100.875% of par,   "The new complex will produce grades of   the TAP pipeline and the Italian gas
       and for the 2024 notes is 96.25% of par, or a   polypropylene as films and sheets, raffia sheets,   transmission system operator Snam Rete
       slight discount to market as of October 13.   fibers and cast film. The plant will have a design  Gas is expected to be completed and ready
       The company is offering also an early tender   capacity of 500,000 tonnes of products per year.  to transport gas by mid-November 2020.
       premium of 2% of par for each bond, making   “The homopolymer [produced at the
       the total early offer price above the market.   plant] can be used to make components for   One threat to the project is the ongoing
       The early tender deadline is October 27 and   cars, including seat parts, dashboards, air filter   conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia
       the final deadline is November 10.  housings, fuel system elements and much   over the Nagorno-Karabakh territory, with
         The purpose of this debt operation is to   more,” Abdualiyev said.     Baku on October 14 repeating warnings to
       extend the maturity of Naftogaz debt, so its   The construction of the project is 77%   Yerevan not to target its gas pipeline export
       obligation to purchase the tendered notes   complete - that includes 100%-completion of   infrastructure, and Yerevan denying it has
       will be subject to the placement of new   design, 70%-completion of equipment delivery   any plans to do so and rejecting assertions
       $-bonds with five to seven years maturity.  and 46%-completion of construction and   from the Azerbaijanis that rockets had
         Currently, Naftogaz has three eurobonds   installation work, the managing director said.  already been fired at the infrastructure
       outstanding, including the two tendered                                  in question, though without causing any
       issues and the $500mn bond maturing in                                   damage..
       November 2026.                      US ambassador hails
         “The timing of Naftogaz’s debt operation
       does not look optimal, in our view, taking   substantial completion of
       into account that more than 20 months
       remain till the maturity of its earliest bond,   TAP gas project
       and the economic environment does not
       look much supportive for the new issue.   The US Ambassador to Albania Yuri Kim

       Week 42  21•October•2020                 www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P21
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