Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 30
P. 4

NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE’S ROUND -UP GLOBAL (NRG)                                   NorthAmOil

      NRG: Beyond oil

       Oil prices have continued their steady ascent, but governments and businesses

       are more focused than ever before on life after oil

        GLOBAL           Welcome  the latest edition of NewsBase’s  Besides renewable energy, countries are looking
                         Roundup Global (NRG), in which our team of  more seriously than ever before at hydrogen
                         international editors provide you with a snap-  energy. Gas producers hope to play a key role in
                         shot of some of key issues affecting their regional  the fuel's development.
                         beats. Get the NRG Oil & Gas Editor’s Picks to
                         your inbox every week for free. Just sign up here .  Africa: Nigeria’s oil law
                           Oil prices are continuing on their slow and  Nigeria’s government is reportedly making
                         steady ascent, with Brent closing on July 27 at  a push to bring its new oil law to the National
                         $43.4 per barrel, while West Texas Intermedi-  Assembly for a vote. Timipre Sylva, Minister of
                         ate ended at $41.60. However, as coronavirus  State for Petroleum, said last week that the latest
                         (COVID-19) infections continue to increase  version of the long-delayed Petroleum Indus-
                         across the world, many forecasters are incorpo-  try Bill (PIB) would be submitted to legislators
                         rating a second wave of the pandemic into their  within two weeks. He asserted that the draft leg-
                         base-case scenarios for oil demand. OPEC+ is  islation would protect Nigeria’s interests while
                         preparing to ease its supply cuts at the start of  also facilitating outside investment.
                         August – a move the cartel says is justified given   Elsewhere in Africa, Angola’s government
                         the market’s recovery. Indeed, if OPEC+ keeps  has offered tax breaks for nine blocks that are due
                         too much supply back, it risks losing market  to be auctioned off in the near future. Officials
                         share to US shale, which will become increas-  in Luanda said last week that the winners of the
                         ingly profitable again as oil prices rise.  tenders for these onshore licence areas will pay
                           There were expectations that the global eco-  a petroleum income tax of 30% instead of the
                         nomic collapse brought about by COVID-19  usual rate of 50%.
                         would result in governments and businesses   Meanwhile, Mozambique’s national oil com-
                         scaling back their decarbonisation plans to focus  pany (NOC) ENH and its partner, Malaysia’s
                         on more immediate concerns. But it seems the  Energi Mega Persada, have cited the coronavirus
                         opposite has happened, with many nations dou-  (COVID-19) pandemic as the reason for their
                         bling down on efforts to reduce their emissions.  decision to suspend oil and gas exploration in the

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   30•July•2020
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