Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 30
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       ConocoPhillips expands in Montney

       ConocoPhillips’ $375mn purchase of Montney shale acreage comes despite the headwinds

       that North American shale drillers are currently experiencing

        BRITISH          SHALE drillers have been hesitant to buy new  Ramping up
        COLUMBIA         acreage recently, but some properties are now  ConocoPhillips only started production at its
                         starting to change hands, with deep-pocketed  Montney assets in the first quarter of this year,
       WHAT:             majors leading the way. Last week, ConocoPhil-  bringing a 14-well pad and associated infrastruc-
       ConocoPhillips is buying   lips announced that it was buying additional  ture online. In last week’s statement, the com-
       Montney acreage from   acreage in Western Canada’s Montney shale play,  pany noted that it continued to ramp up output
       Kelt Exploration for   where it recently started production, from Kelt  from this pad.
       $375mn.           Exploration for around $375mn.         “Our current Montney development is per-
                           The announcement came two days after  forming according to our projections and plans,”
       WHY:              Chevron said it was buying US independent  ConocoPhillips’ executive vice president and
       The acquisition   Noble Energy for $5bn in stock (See NorthAm-  chief operating officer, Matt Fox, said. “We’re still
       represents an extension   Oil Week 29). Noble’s portfolio comprises a mix  in the process of bringing our initial wells online,
       of the company’s existing   of domestic and international assets – notably  and early results are encouraging: we have con-
       Montney position and fits   including shale assets in the Permian and Den-  firmed the liquids-rich nature of the play and
       its criteria for resource   ver-Julesburg (DJ) basins – that are thought to  also confirmed that transferring the drilling and
       additions.        have significant upside in terms of recoverable  completion techniques we’re employing in the
                         resources. ConocoPhillips’ acquisition illustrates  US Big 3 can add significant rate and recovery
       WHAT NEXT:        that Canadian shale assets are also still generat-  potential to the play,” he added.
       Production from   ing interest.                          Now the company can target additional
       ConocoPhillips’ Montney   Some of Noble’s acreage in the Permian is  Montney growth over the longer term thanks
       acreage only started in   adjacent to Chevron’s existing operations there,  to the new acquisition, though ConocoPhillips
       the first quarter of 2020   paving the way for future activity to benefit from  noted that the economics of the transaction do
       and will continue to ramp   synergies across the assets. The same goes for the  not assume any incremental capital investments
       up.               acreage Kelt is selling – in the liquids-rich Inga-  will be made in the Montney in the next few
                         Fireweed asset Montney zone, which is directly  years.
                         adjacent to ConocoPhillips’ existing position in   “We view the Montney as a very attractive
                         the play, according to a July 22 statement. This  long-term asset and today’s announcement gives
                         suggests that while producers are likely to be  us significant running room at a very attractive
                         hesitant to make new acquisitions in the current  all-in cost,” Fox said. His other comments indi-
                         market, certain types of assets may be favoured,  cate that ConocoPhillips approached the pur-
                         including in cases where they will allow the buy-  chase after carefully considering it for some time.
                         ers to build up their existing footprint with con-  This is perhaps not surprising given that the deal
                         tiguous acreage.                     comes shortly after the company cut its budget

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