Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 30
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Oil rig count inches up

       instead of another fall

       The slight weekly increase in the oil rig count was cancelled

       out by declines in the number of gas rigs, but is nonetheless

       being welcomed by the industry as a positive sign

        US               THE US’ active rig count fell to a record low for  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
                         a twelfth straight week in the week up to July 24,   The gas rig count had been on a gradual
       WHAT:             according to the latest data from oilfield services  decline since before March – indeed, since early
       The US oil rig count rose   firm Baker Hughes. But there was a bright spot  2019 – on the back of low natural gas prices. But
       slightly last week in the   as the oil rig number edged up slightly, despite  because the gas rig count was comparatively
       first increase since mid-  being cancelled out by another decline in gas  small, the recent continued decline has not been
       March, despite an overall   rigs.                      nearly as striking as the collapse in oil rig num-
       decline.            The oil rig count increased by one, to 181, fol-  bers. Since the week up to March 13, active gas
                         lowing 18 straight weeks of declines that began  rigs fell from 107 to 68. In the week up to July 24,
       WHY:              in mid-March when crude prices collapsed,  the gas rig count dropped by three, wiping out
       Shale drillers are   prompting producers to start immediately cut-  the slight oil rig increase.
       cautiously stepping up   ting capital budgets and activity. Shale operators   A closer look at regional numbers shows that
       activity again following a   can respond particularly quickly to oil price  oil rig numbers actually edged up in three basins
       period of relative oil price   swings, and this – combined with the fact that  – the Permian, the Eagle Ford shale and the
       stability.        the majority of active rigs in the US are shale-fo-  Granite Wash – only for these gains to be can-
                         cused – means the country’s oil rigs have seen  celled out by rigs being cut elsewhere. Indeed,
       WHAT NEXT:        a dramatic decline over the past few months.  this was the second straight week that the oil rig
       Shale production declines   At the start of the year the US oil rig count was  count had risen slightly in the Eagle Ford.
       are expected to continue   at 670, and it peaked at 683 in the week up to
       in the short term.  March 13 before falling by nearly 74% over the  Cautious resumption
                         period until last week. The decline was also far  The increases show the shale industry cautiously
                         more rapid than usual – as rig counts typically  resuming some activity, in line with comments
                         lag oil price trends by up to one quarter – illus-  from a number of operators saying they are
                         trating the severe impact of global oversup-  in the process of restoring curtailed output.
                         ply coupled with the hit on demand from the  Generally speaking, though, the curtailments

                                                                                                  The recovery in fracking
                                                                                                  activity is already more
                                                                                                  evident in the Permian
                                                                                                  Basin than in other
                                                                                                  shale regions.

       Week 30   30•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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