Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 30
P. 15

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       EQT restores curtailed gas production

        APPALACHIAN      EQT, the largest natural gas producer in the US,  metres) in May and $2.40 per mmBtu ($66.38
        BASIN            said this week that it had restored all of the out-  per 1,000 cubic metres) in June.
                         put it curtailed in May, and that there had been   EQT said it sold 346 bcf (9.8bn cubic metres)
                         no degradation in well performance. The news  of gas equivalent in the second quarter of 2020,
                         came in the company’s second-quarter earnings  down from 370 bcf (10.5 bcm) equivalent during
                         call.                                the same quarter of last year. Despite the decline,
                           The temporary curtailment was brought in on  the company noted that its sales volumes were 21
                         May 16 for the duration of the second quarter  bcf (595 mcm) equivalent above the midpoint of
                         of 2020, and comprised about 1.4bn cubic feet  its second-quarter guidance.
                         (39.6mn cubic metres) per day of gas equivalent   In the third quarter, EQT expects sales vol-
                         on a gross basis. It came as Henry Hub bench-  ume to rise to 360-380 bcf (10.2-10.8 bcm)
                         mark gas prices sank to 25-year lows owing to  equivalent.
                         the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-  The results come a year after Toby Rice
                         demic on demand.                     became CEO of EQT following a proxy battle.
                           According to the US Energy Information  The company set about overhauling its business,
                         Administration (EIA), Henry Hub prices aver-  warning even last year that it would reduce pro-
                         aged $1.75 per million British thermal units  duction during this process. On the earnings call
                         ($48.41 per 1,000 cubic metres) in May and $1.63  this week, Rice talked up the progress that has
                         per mmBtu ($45.09 per 1,000 cubic metres) in  been made since, saying that “every day, we are
                         June. While gas prices have been low for some  getting closer to being the natural gas leader that
                         time, causing shale gas producers to proceed  we all hoped for”.
                         with caution even before COVID-19 spread   Despite this, he added that he expected to run
                         worldwide, this nonetheless marks a decline  the company “at the maintenance level” for the
                         compared with 2019, when Henry Hub aver-  next few years as a result of the challenging mar-
                         aged $2.64 per mmBtu ($73.02 per 1,000 cubic  ket environment.™

       Hess raises 2020 production outlook

        US               US independent Hess has raised its production                            Hess chartered three
                         outlook for the whole of 2020 by 10,000 bar-                             VLCCs for storing its
                         rels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) to about                          crude in order to avoid
                         330,000 boepd. The upward revision comes after                           curtailing production in
                         the company increased its number of active wells                         the second quarter.
                         in North Dakota’s Bakken play and delayed the
                         planned maintenance of its Tioga gas plant in
                         the state from the third quarter of this year until
                           Analysts from Credit Suisse commented that
                         the upward revision was not a surprise given the
                         delay in maintenance, but they expect it to be an  many other operators did, the company char-
                         outlier in the current environment, with other  tered three very large crude carriers (VLCC) to
                         companies largely scaling back plans.  store the crude that was not being absorbed by
                           Excluding Libya – where a force majeure is in  the market because of low demand caused by the
                         place, leading Hess not to factor it into any of its  coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
                         current results – the company produced 334,000   Nonetheless, Hess did post a wider loss on
                         boepd in the second quarter of 2020. This  a y/y basis for the second quarter – though the
                         marked a 22% increase on the second quarter of  loss was still smaller than expected by analysts.
                         2019, when net output reached 273,000 boepd.  The company’s net loss widened to $320mn, or
                         Hess attributed the improvement primarily to a  $1.05 per share, from a loss of $6mn, or $0.02 per
                         39% rise in Bakken production, as well as out-  share, a year earlier.
                         put from the Liza field offshore Guyana, which   The producer continues to transport crude
                         entered service in December 2019.    on the Dakota Access pipeline for now. But Hess’
                           While some other producers are also starting  CEO, John Hess, said on the company’s earnings
                         to report year-on-year increases in output, many  call that it had the flexibility to move all of its
                         others are anticipated to post second-quarter  Bakken output by other means if the pipeline –
                         declines, so Hess may be an outlier on this too.  which is in the middle of a legal battle – is forced
                         However, instead of curtailing production like   to shut down.™

       Week 30   30•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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