Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 30
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            the ongoing uncertainty and challenges   quarter, the value of hedging contracts was
                                           surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The   reduced from levels recorded at March 31.
       Antero Resources reports            combination of a successful asset sale program   changes in derivatives and other items, WPX
                                                                                  Excluding the forward mark-to-market
                                           with repurchasing debt at a discount and
       second-quarter 2020                 significant capital efficiencies have materially   posted adjusted net income from continuing
                                           improved Antero’s credit profile and outlook.”
                                                                                operations (a non-GAAP financial measure)
       financial and operating             Resources said, “Over the last nine months   income of $0.12 per share. A reconciliation
                                             Glen Warren, CFO and president of Antero  in second-quarter 2020 of $69mn, or
       results                             we have delivered on our commitment to   accompanies this press release.
                                                                                  Adjusted EBITDAX (a non-GAAP
                                           reduce debt through a combination of asset
       Antero Resources today announced its second   sales and debt repurchased at a discount.   financial measure) hit a record $400mn in the
       quarter 2020 financial and operational results.   This successful debt repurchase program has   quarter, up 15% from $347mn a year ago. A
       The relevant condensed consolidated financial   resulted in an $888mn reduction in near-term   reconciliation accompanies this press release.
       statements are included in Antero’s Quarterly   maturities. Further, we have completed 69 of   Cash flow from operations – inclusive of
       Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended   our 105 projected wells for the year and expect  hedge impact – was $276mn in the second
       June 30, 2020.                      drilling and completion capital spend to be   quarter, down 24% vs. a year ago due in part
         Paul Rady, chairman and chief executive   substantially lower during the second half of   to significant decreases in commodity prices
       officer of Antero Resources commented:   the year. The low capital spend projected for   and working capital changes.
       “We have made considerable progress   the second half of 2020 is expected to result   The weighted average gross sales price
       towards our $750 to $1 billion asset sale   in over $175mn in Free Cash Flow based   during second-quarter 2020 – prior to
       target having closed $531mn of transactions   on today’s strip prices, providing additional   revenue deductions – was $21.85 per barrel
       to date. The asset sale proceeds received to   liquidity for debt retirement. Longer term, we   for oil (down 62% vs. a year ago), $1.40 per
       date have enabled Antero to reduce total   are committed to maximising free cash flow   mcf for natural gas (down 20%) and $7.65 per
       debt by $365mn since the start of the bond   and further reducing total debt.”  barrel for NGL (down 44%).
       repurchase program in the fourth quarter of   ANTERO RESOURCES, July 29, 2020  Free cash flow from operations (a non-
       2019, capturing a meaningful discount on                                 GAAP financial measure) in the second
       our outstanding senior notes and significantly   WPX energy reports 2Q   quarter was $166mn. A reconciliation
       addressing our upcoming debt maturities.                                 accompanies this press release. WPX now
       On the operating front, we continue to see   2020 results                expects to generate approximately $200mn
       momentum on well cost savings, setting a                                 of free cash flow in 2020, up from its prior
       new quarterly record with an average of 8.7   WPX Energy reported an unaudited second-  estimate of $150mn.
       completion stages per day. We also set a U.S.   quarter loss from continuing operations   WPX ENERGY, July 29, 2020
       horizontal well record during the quarter,   attributable to common shareholders of
       drilling 11,253 lateral feet in a 24-hour period.   $414mn, or a loss of $0.74 per share on a
       These well cost savings helped to deliver our   diluted basis.           MIDSTREAM
       lowest quarterly drilling and completion   The loss was driven by a $275mn net
       capital spend since the company’s IPO in   loss on derivatives primarily from non-cash   CER issues CAD40,000
       2013 and drove well costs to below $700   forward mark-to-market changes in the
       per lateral foot in May and June. We are   company’s hedge book and lower overall   administrative monetary
       incredibly proud of all of our employees who   commodity prices. As underlying forward
       have safely delivered these results despite   commodity prices began to improve in the   penalty to Trans-Northern

                                                                                The Canada Energy Regulator (CER)
                                                                                takes action to protect Canadians and the
                                                                                environment, and to prevent damage to
                                                                                pipelines. We regulate natural gas, oil, and
                                                                                commodity pipelines that extend beyond
                                                                                provincial, territorial or national boundaries.
                                                                                Not following proper procedures for
                                                                                operations and maintenance (O&M) activities
                                                                                of a pipeline is unsafe. If pipelines are
                                                                                damaged, the result could be very serious.
                                                                                  Preventing harm is the foundation of how
                                                                                the CER keeps people safe and protects the
                                                                                environment. We confidently enforce some
                                                                                of the strictest safety and environmental
                                                                                standards in the world. Companies have to
                                                                                answer to us every step of the way as energy
                                                                                projects are planned, designed, built, operated,
                                                                                and abandoned.

       Week 30   30•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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