Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 30
P. 12

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         affected existing operations, while new drilling  What next?
                         is predicted to remain limited. Nonetheless, a  These early signs of recovery are being tempered
                         period of relative oil price stability – with West  by warnings about ongoing headwinds, however.
                         Texas Intermediate (WTI) currently above $41  Rystad does not expect the rig count decline to
                         per barrel – has helped restore some confidence  reverse into week-on-week increases right away,
                         among drillers, prompting them to step up  for example.
                         work.                                 “We anticipate nationwide horizontal oil
                           It is not only drilling that appears to be grad-  drilling will remain relatively flat in the next few
                         ually recovering – completions are also on the  weeks, as some operators continue to imple-
                         up. Consultancy Rystad Energy said last week  ment modest downward adjustments, while
                         that there had been a “shocking” decline in  others have started restoring drilling opera-
                         new hydraulic fracturing operations, with just  tions in the current $40 WTI price environ-
                         325 wells completed in June, but added that  ment,” Rystad’s head of shale research, Artem
                         the number was now set to rise again. Rystad  Abramov, commented.
                         projects that over 400 wells will be fracked in   And investment bank Tudor, Pickering, Holt   It is not only
                         July. The consultancy cited its own satellite data  & Co. (TPH) expects the rig count to “find a bot-
                         as showing 246 newly started frack jobs in the  tom soon, with incremental rig adds beginning   drilling that
                         month up to July 23, with 96 of these begin-  to materialise towards the back half of the third   appears to
                         ning the previous week. It also uses data from  quarter”.
                         FracFocus.                            Meanwhile, the US Energy Information   be gradually
                           It is worth noting, however, that before the  Administration (EIA) anticipates that both oil
                         downturn started, frack job numbers across the  and gas production in the country will fall again   recovering –
                         US tended to be above 1,000 per month, so the  in August compared with July. There is less cer-
                         shale industry still has a long way to go in its  tainty over what happens beyond August, how-  completions are
                         recovery.                            ever, especially as curtailed production from   also on the up.
                           Rystad noted that the recovery in fracking  OPEC+ countries comes back online, putting
                         activity was much more evident in the Permian  new downward pressure on oil prices from the
                         Basin than other shale regions. This is unsur-  supply side. On the demand side, meanwhile,
                         prising given the extent to which the Permian  the risk of a new wave of COVID-19 outbreaks
                         dominated shale – and overall US – production  – and lockdowns aimed at containing the virus
                         prior to the downturn. The basin’s stacked plays,  – continues to hang over the market.
                         comparatively low breakeven costs and prox-  Despite these concerns, however, the first
                         imity to the refining and export infrastructure  rise in the US oil rig count in 18 weeks has been
                         on the Gulf Coast have given it a competitive  held up as a positive sign for the industry. Baker
                         advantage over other shale regions that persists  Hughes’ next update of rig numbers – due for
                         to this day.                         release on July 31 – will be closely watched.™

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