Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 30
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Canadian operations

                         for 2020 and only recently started to restore  offtake improvements at its Montney operations,
                         some of the production it curtailed earlier this  the assets increase its exposure to the core of the
                         year in response to the market downturn.  liquids-rich portion of the play.
                           “We have tracked and analysed this adjacent   In addition to the $375mn price tag, the
                         acreage position for a long time,” said Fox. “It  transaction – which is due to close in the third
                         represents a high-value extension of our existing  quarter of 2020 – includes the assumption of
                         Montney position, and we’re pleased to capture  roughly $30mn worth of financing obligations
                         this opportunity at an attractive cost of supply  for associated infrastructure.
                         that meets our criteria for resource additions.
                         The transaction provides operating scale and  Riding out the storm
                         flexibility to create significant value for share-  The Montney is primarily known for being a gas
                         holders by applying our drilling and completion  play, and indeed its development has been linked
                         techniques on this asset and optimising our  to launching LNG exports from Canada’s West
                         future overall Montney development plans.”  Coast. However, Canada’s LNG industry has
                           The move comes after ConocoPhillips pre-  been slow to emerge and only one major export
                         viously bolstered its Montney footprint in 2018,  terminal – the Royal Dutch Shell-led LNG Can-
                         buying about 35,000 net acres (142 square km)  ada – is currently under construction.
                         for $120mn to bring its assets in the play to   With major demand from new liquefaction   With both oil
                         140,000 net acres (567 square km).   plants not yet materialising, producers in the
                                                              region are having to weigh their options for   and gas still
                         Montney boost                        how to proceed in an increasingly challenging   vulnerable to
                         The Kelt assets consist of a further 140,000 net  market.
                         acres and the deal will now bring ConocoPhil-  For Kelt, selling some of its non-core assets   demand shocks,
                         lips’ total Montney footprint to 295,000 net acres  has presented a way forward. The company
                         (1,194 square km) with a 100% working inter-  said in its own statement last week that the deal   a diversified
                         est. The acquisition also adds over 1bn barrels  presented “an opportunity to bring forward the
                         of oil equivalent (boe) of what ConocoPhillips  value of certain assets and at the same time put   asset mix that
                         describes as “high-value resource”. Depending  the company in a position of increased finan-  includes both
                         on the pace of development, the company esti-  cial strength during an uncertain economic
                         mates that the acquisition cost is around $2-4 per  environment”.         could be seen as
                         barrel on a West Texas Intermediate (WTI) cost   For ConocoPhillips, meanwhile, seeking
                         of supply basis.                     additional scale turned out to be a more attrac-  prudent.
                           The assets have production of roughly  tive option.
                         15,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd),   In addition, with both oil and gas still vulner-
                         and will add around 1,000 well locations,  able to demand shocks, a diversified asset mix
                         which are described by ConocoPhillips as  that includes both could be seen as prudent.
                         “high-quality”.                      Once again, this is illustrated by both Cono-
                           As well as the added scale, which the com-  coPhillips’ acquisition and by the shale acreage
                         pany hopes will help drive supply chain and  that Chevron will acquire from Noble.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   30•July•2020
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