Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 30
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Oil sands giants report quarterly losses

        CANADA           SUNCOR Energy and Cenovus Energy – two of
                         the four leading producers in Canada’s oil sands
                         – have reported losses for the second quarter of
                           The losses were expected, given that the oil
                         price downturn began at the end of the first quar-
                         ter, hitting particularly hard in the second quar-
                         ter as the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
                         took an increasingly heavy toll on demand for
                         oil. And oil sands producers were among those
                         severely affected, having already been struggling
                         with both project economics and their public
                         image. Indeed, Imperial Oil and Canadian Nat-
                         ural Resources Ltd (CNRL) – the other two lead-
                         ing oil sands players – are also anticipated to post
                         losses in the coming days.
                           Nonetheless, Cenovus’ second-quarter
                         results came in above analyst expectations. The
                         company reported a net loss of CAD235mn
                         ($175mn), which was higher than the aver-
                         age estimate of five analysts surveyed by Zacks  environment to remain volatile for some time.”  Suncor has shut
                         Investment Research. However, this marked   On Cenovus’ earnings call, Pourbaix said the   down one of the two
                         a year-on-year drop from a net profit of  company was currently producing more oil than   production trains at its
                         CAD1.78bn ($1.33bn) in the second quarter of  allowed under Alberta’s crude curtailment pro-  194,000 bpd Fort Hills
                         2019.                                gramme by buying credits from other producers   oil sands mine.
                           Cenovus noted a loss of CAD529mn  whose volumes are below their quotas either
                         ($395mn) related to product sold in the second  because of voluntary reductions or maintenance
                         quarter that had had its value written down at  work.
                         the end of the first quarter. This had a significant   Suncor, meanwhile, announced sec-
                         impact on the company’s funds flow during the  ond-quarter results that came in below analyst
                         second quarter, it said in a July 23 statement.  expectations. The company reported a net loss
                           The producer pointed out, however, that  of CAD614mn ($458mn) for the quarter, com-
                         while low oil prices at the start of the second  pared with a profit of CAD2.73bn ($2.03bn)
                         quarter had an impact on its financial results, it  a year ago. The loss included a CAD478mn
                         was able to respond quickly to the rise in West-  ($356mn) unrealised after-tax foreign exchange
                         ern Canadian Select (WCS) prices later in the  gain on the revaluation of US dollar-denomi-
                         quarter, ramping up production to capture value.  nated debt, Suncor said. It added, however, that
                         WCS prices rose almost tenfold between April  the result excluded a CAD397mn ($296mn)
                         and June to an average of CAD46.03 ($34.33)  after-tax hydrocarbon inventory loss that was
        Cenovus said it   per barrel.                         recognised in the first quarter.
                           As a result of its response to this price
                                                                Suncor’s total production in the second quar-
        achieved record   increase, Cenovus said it achieved record levels  ter fell 18.5% y/y to 655,500 boepd from 803,900
       levels of output at   of output at its Christina Lake oil sands project in  boepd as the company reduced its output in
                         June, as well as achieving free funds flow of more  response to lower demand. The measures it took
       its Christina Lake   than CAD290mn ($216mn) for the month.  included shutting down one of the two produc-
                         This helped the company to raise its production  tion trains at its 194,000 bpd Fort Hills oil sands
       oil sands project   on a y/y basis to 465,415 barrels of oil equiva-  mine in northern Alberta.
                         lent per day (boepd), compared with 443,318
                                                                And Suncor’s CEO, Mark Little, warned on
           in June.      boepd in the same quarter of 2019. The oil sands  the company’s earnings call that returning the
                         accounted for 373,189 barrels per day, also mark-  second Fort Hills train to service depended on a
                         ing an increase from the second quarter of 2019,  number of factors, including oil prices, Alberta’s
                         when the figure reached 344,973 bpd. However,  curtailment programme and Suncor’s ability to
                         both oil sands and overall production volumes  control costs.
                         fell compared with the first quarter of 2020,   “Given the high level of global crude inven-
                         when they came in at 387,036 bpd and 482,594  tories and the return of production which was
                         boepd respectively.                  shut in during the second quarter, we expect
                           “We view the second quarter as a period of  [oil] pricing and crude spread volatility to
                         transition, with April as the low point of the  remain through 2020, although obviously not as
                         downturn and the first signs of recovery tak-  extreme as we saw in the second quarter,” he said.
                         ing hold in May and June,” Cenovus’ president   This more cautious approach stands in con-
                         and CEO, Alex Pourbaix, said in a statement.  trast with Cenovus’ move of returning 60,000
                         “That said, we expect the commodity price  bpd of crude to the market in June.™

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