Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 30
P. 16

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Schlumberger posts weakest

       sales in 14 years

        US               OILFIELD services giant Schlumberger has  executive vice-president and chief financial
                         reported a $3.4bn net loss for the second quar-  officer, Stephane Biguet, said on the company’s
                         ter of 2020, down from a profit of $492mn in the  earnings call that about 40% of this target had
                         same quarter a year ago. The company’s revenue,  been achieved in the second quarter. Schlum-
                         meanwhile, fell to $5.4bn from $8.3bn a year ago.  berger is aiming to complete the majority of the
                         This represented the company’s weakest sales in  remainder of the cuts by the end of the year.
                         14 years – though analysts praised it for the dra-  The company said its total capital investment
                         matic steps taken to ensure its performance was  budget for 2020 – encompassing capital expendi-
                         not even worse.                      tures, multi-client and Asset Performance Solu-
                           “Hefty cost reduction efforts drove much  tions (APS) – had been cut by 45% year on year
       Schlumberger saw   healthier than anticipated [adjusted] earnings  to around $1.5bn. Capex for the year has been
       its North American   results,” investment bank Tudor, Pickering, Holt  cut to $1.1bn, compared with $1.7bn in 2019.
       business hit particularly   & Co. (TPH) analysts wrote in a note.  Like other leading services providers,
       hard as shale drilling   Schlumberger reported that it had $1bn of  Schlumberger saw its North American busi-
       fell dramatically.  severance charges in the second quarter, associ-  ness hit particularly hard in the second quarter
                         ated with reducing its workforce by more than  as shale drillers dramatically scaled back oper-
                         21,000 employees – or roughly one-fifth of the  ations. The company’s North America revenue
                         total.                               fell 48% to $1.2bn from $2.8bn a year ago.
                           In addition to cutting jobs, the firm is in the   “The conditions are set in the third quarter
                         process of permanently removing $1.5bn of  for a modest frack completion activity increase
                         fixed costs, more than half of which are related  in North America, though from a very low base,”
                         to its international business. Schlumberger’s  Schlumberger’s CEO, Olivier Le Peuch, stated.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Okra Energy subsidiary to deliver

       LNG to Mexico’s Énestas

        US-MEXICO        A subsidiary of US-based Okra Energy has  though, that the supply agreement was in line
                         announced plans to deliver LNG to a customer  with its efforts to make LNG and gas liquefac-
                         in Mexico.                           tion technology more widely available in Latin
                           According to a company statement, Okra  America.
                         Energy Alabama (USA) has signed an LNG   The deal will benefit Énestas, which uses vir-
                         supply agreement with Énestas Energy & Gas,  tual pipelines to deliver gas to industrial parks,
                         a privately owned Mexican firm. The deal has a  transport operators, greenhouses, mines, ther-
                         term of five years and may be renewed, and Okra  mal power plants (TPPs) and other commer-
                         Energy Alabama (USA) will source the LNG  cial users in Mexico. Caio Zapata, the Mexican
                         from the 100,000 gallon per day (gpd) gas lique-  firm’s CEO, said: “This supply contract with
                         faction plant that it is now building in McIntosh,  Okra Energy Alabama will allow us to continue
                         Alabama, about 45 miles (72 km) away from the  [to] improve our distribution capabilities in
                         port of Mobile.                      Mexico.”
                           Presumably Énestas will take delivery of the   Okra Energy Alabama has also hailed the
                         LNG at its recently completed terminal on Mex-  agreement, saying it was pleased to be involved
                         ico’s Gulf coast. The terminal, which is the first  in the delivery of cleaner-burning natural gas to
                         dual LNG/ethane import facility in Mexico, is  Mexico. “We’re proud to bring new technologies
                         outfitted with automated storage facilities and an  and enhanced energy sector jobs to Washing-
                         unloading system that can handle mid-size ves-  ton County through our supply contract with
                         sels with a capacity of up to 22,000 cubic metres.  Énestas Energy & Gas, [which shares] our belief
                           The US company has not revealed the value  that access to natural gas is a basic asset for the
                         of the deal or the volume of LNG it intends to  development of any country,” said Mark Clark,
                         deliver to Énestas. It did say in the statement,  the company’s CEO.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   30•July•2020
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