Page 19 - NorthAmOil Week 30
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       technology, global footprint, diverse product   “We believe that this take-in transaction   schedules earnings call to
       portfolio, and customer-centric business   of CNX Midstream Partners is the optimal
       model, NOV is positioned to exit this down-  solution for all relevant stakeholders given the   discuss second -quarter
       cycle stronger than ever before.”   near- and long-term view of the MLP market,”
       NATIONAL OILWELL VARCO, July 27, 2020  commented Nicholas J. DeIuliis, president and   2020 results
                                           CEO. “We expect the combined entity to be
                                           an even stronger company with a lower cost   Black Stone Minerals today announced an
       MOVES                               of capital and increased investable free cash   update on the two previously announced asset
                                           flow.”                               sales and declared the distribution attributable
       CNX Resources Corporation           the completion of the transaction, CNX is   to the second quarter of 2020. Additionally,
                                              Don W. Rush, CFO, added: “Following
                                                                                the partnership announced the date of its
       to Acquire Remaining Public         expected to be the lowest cost producer in the   second quarter 2020 earnings call.
                                           Appalachian Basin, with increased operational
                                                                                  On July 21, 2020, the company closed on
       Stake in CNX Midstream              flexibility and basin leading operational   the previously announced sale of undivided
                                           metrics. Stockholders of CNX and unitholders
                                                                                interests across parts of Black Stone’s Delaware
       Partners LP                         of CNX Midstream are expected to benefit   and Midland Basin positions for total
                                                                                consideration of $95.5mn, after customary
                                           from a combination of synergies including
       CNX Resources and CNX Midstream     improved equity trading liquidity, enhanced   closing adjustments. The effective date of the
       Partners today announced that they have   financial flexibility to optimise cash flows, and   transaction was July 1, 2020. The sale of the
       entered into a definitive merger agreement   an improved credit profile.”  Midland Basin interests has an effective date
       pursuant to which CNX will acquire all of   CNX RESOURCES AND CNX MIDSTREAM   of May 1, 2020, and is scheduled to close on
       the outstanding common units of CNX   PARTNERS, July 27, 2020            July 28, 2020. Total consideration for this
       Midstream that it does not already own in                                transaction is anticipated to be $54.5mn after
       exchange for CNX common stock valued at   Black Stone Minerals           customary closing adjustments.
       approximately $357mn, based on the most                                    Proceeds from the two transactions will be
       recent closing price of CNX common stock.  announces update on           used to reduce outstanding borrowings under
         Under the merger agreement, each                                       the company’s revolving credit facility. Black
       outstanding common unit of CNX Midstream   previously announced asset    Stone expects total debt outstanding at the
       that CNX does not already own will be                                    end of July 2020 to be approximately $160mn,
       converted into 0.88 shares of CNX common   sales, declares distribution   a reduction of $234mn from the $394mn of
       stock, representing a 15% premium to the                                 total debt as of year-end 2019.
       average exchange ratio during the 30 trading   for common units, and     BLACK STONE MINERALS, July 27, 2020
       days ended July 24, 2020.

       Week 30   30•July•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P19
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