Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 30
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NorthAmOil                                          NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                         Ticking upwards in the Middle East   Montney shale play from Kelt Exploration for
                         An increase in commercial activity in the Mid-  around $375mn, plus the assumption of roughly
                         dle East this week provided further evidence  $30mn worth of financing obligations for associ-
                         that the sector is on its way towards recovery.  ated infrastructure. (See: ConocoPhillips expands
                         In the UAE, China’s CNOOC joined Abu Dha-  in Montney, page 9) The acquisition, in the liq-
                         bi’s Lower Zakum consortium just as signs  uids-rich Inga-Fireweed asset directly adjacent
                         were emerging that ADNOC would resume  to ConocoPhillips’ existing Montney position,
                         offshore contracting activity. The growing role  comprises roughly 140,000 net acres (567 square
                         of Chinese companies in the Emirati oil and  km). The deal will bring ConocoPhillips’ total
                         gas sector has been emphasised by CNOOC’s  Montney footprint to 295,000 net acres (1,194
                         entry to the Lower Zakum, Umm Shaif and Nasr  square km).
                         concessions.                           The Montney is primarily known as a gas
                           Meanwhile, Chevron agreed to buy Noble  play, and though this acquisition consists of
                         Energy for $5bn in stock in the first major deal  both gas and liquids, it may indicate gas coming
                         of the current oil downturn, providing the major  back into favour with producers – as Chevron’s
                         with a foothold in Israel. Buyers may be attracted  forthcoming merger with Noble also does. This
                         by bargain prices, but appetite has been muted in  is more of a longer-term trend, however.
                         recent months.                         In the short term, meanwhile, the US saw
                           In another sign of stability, Iraq took steps  its first increase in the active oil rig count since
                         towards resuming crude oil exports to Jordan,  mid-March. But the increase was a marginal one,
                         starting with trucked cargoes ahead of longer-  with Baker Hughes’ data showing the number of
                         term and broader pipeline plans. As cross-bor-  oil-focused rigs had risen by one in the week up
                         der trade edges towards normality, optimism is  to July 24 and, given a drop of three in the gas rig
                         growing that contracting and M&A activity will  count over the same week, there was still a slight
                         begin to ramp up again.              net decline. (See: Oil rig count inches up instead
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   of another fall, page 11) At the basin level, both
                         the Middle East’s oil and gas sector then please click   the Permian Basin, Eagle Ford and Granite Wash
                         here for NewsBase’s MEOG Monitor.    regions saw slight increases in the oil rig count.
                                                              And while these were cancelled out by declines
                         Not all bad news in North America    in the number of gas rigs, they are being held up
                         Last week’s news that Chevron was buying  as a reason to be cautiously optimistic about the
                         Noble Energy for $5bn was followed by other  start of a gradual recovery.
                         positive developments in North America. First,   At the same time, though, second-quarter
                         another acquisition – solely involving acreage  results announcements are looming, and prom-
                         and smaller than Chevron’s deal, but still sizea-  ise to be largely negative. Indeed, oilfield ser-
                         ble nonetheless – was announced. Then the latest  vices leader Schlumberger reported a net loss of
                         Baker Hughes oil rig count edged up for the first  $3.4bn on July 24, and eyes are now turning to the
                         time since March.                    upstream players as they prepare for their own
                           ConocoPhillips said on July 22 that it was  second-quarter earnings releases. (See: Schlum-
                         buying additional acreage in Western Canada’s  berger posts weakest sales in 14 years, page 16)™

                                                                                                  The US has seen a first
                                                                                                  increase in its active rig
                                                                                                  count since mid-March.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   30•July•2020
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