Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 41 2021
P. 4

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       European gas prices slide back

       after Putin hints Russia may help

       "stabilise" the market

       Gazprom has been accused of witholding supply – whether to pressure the EU

       to allow Nord Stream 2's launch or to simply driving up its profits

        EUROPE           NATURAL gas prices in Europe took a dive on  is absolutely no Russian role in what is happen-
                         the afternoon of October 6, after Russian Presi-  ing on the gas market,” Putin’s spokesman Dmi-
       WHAT:             dent Vladimir Putin hinted that Gazprom might  try Peskov told reporters on October 6.
       Putin has hinted that   release more supply onto the market.  In a government meeting earlier this year,
       Gazprom could increase   The contract for November gas delivery  Putin stressed that Russia was a reliable energy
       gas supply to Europe.  at the Dutch TFF platform briefly soared to  supplier.
                         almost $2,000 per 1,000 cubic metres in the   “Russia has always been and is a reliable sup-
       WHY:              early hours of trading, before sliding back down  plier of gas to its consumers all over the world, in
       Prices responded by   around $1,700. But it dipped to under $1,400 per  Asia and Europe, and it always fulfils its obliga-
       sliding back from historic   1,000 cubic metres after the Kremlin released a  tions in full,” he said.
       highs.            statement by Putin addressing his government   Instead, the Russian leader pinned the blame
                         ministers.                           for the crisis on European energy policy, particu-
       WHAT NEXT:          Gazprom has been subject to criticism for  larly its focus on tackling climate change over
       The EU is looking at   exacerbating the gas supply crisis unfolding in  delivering energy security.
       ways of stabilising the   Europe by withholding extra supply beyond its   “You see what is happening in Europe. There
       situation, including the   minimum contractual obligations. Some have  is hysteria and some confusion in the markets.
       creation of a strategic   accused the Russian exporter of trying to put  Why? Because no one is taking it seriously,” he
       gas reserve.      pressure on Europe to allow the Nord Stream  told officials. “Some people are speculating on
                         2 pipeline’s launch, while some analysts believe  climate change issues, some people are under-
                         the company is simply driving up the price for  estimating some things, some are starting to cut
                         its commercial benefit.              back on investments in the extractive industries.
                           Moscow has denied these allegations. “There  There needs to be a smooth transition.”

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   13•October•2021
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