Page 5 - FSUOGM Week 41 2021
P. 5

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM


                           He said that sustainable development of oil,  per 1,000 cubic metres after the president’s com-
                         gas and coal needed to continue.    ments were published.
                           For years, Gazprom sold its gas in Europe
                         under long-term, oil-indexed contracts, which  EU conclusions
                         give buyers and suppliers price stability. But  For its part, the EU has largely rejected criticism
                         under former president Jean-Claude Juncker,  that its green policies are the cause of the current
                         the European Commission made a concerted  gas crisis. Wind power output across Europe
                         effort to liberalise gas pricing, putting pressure  has been weak this year, putting strain on other
                         on Gazprom to sell more gas on the spot mar-  sources of energy such as gas. Certain climate
                         ket, using gas-on-gas indexation, and phase out  policies have also curtailed upstream invest-
                         longer-term, oil-indexed contracts.  ment, making the bloc more reliant on imports.
                           A number of European buyers had com-  “Today, the price rise happens while a pro-
                         plained that under the oil-indexed contracts,  found transformation of the energy system is
                         Gazprom was overcharging for its gas, and this  underway. We need to design a fair and forward
                         culminated in an anti-trust case that forced the  looking response,” European Energy Commis-
                         Russian company to liberalise its pricing policy  sioner Kadri Simson said in a speech on October
                         in 2018.                            6. “We have to be clear. The current price hike has
                           “Our European partners ... made a mistake,”  little to do with our climate policies and much to
                         Putin said, referring the liberalisation of prices.  do with our dependence on imported fossil fuels
                         “As a result, now the gas price has broken all his-  and their volatile prices.”
                         torical records; today it is already nearing $2,000   She said that the crisis was not the result of
                         per 1,000 cubic metres – ten times more than the  weaknesses in the European electricity market
                         average price last year.”           design, but rather part of a wider global trend.
                           Putin called on his officials to propose ways   “The best response to the price challenge is to
                         of stabilising the global energy market. “We are  progress faster towards our target goal of 65% of
                         ready for such work,” he said, noting that this  renewable electricity by 2030,” she said.
                         should be done in a way that “takes into account   European Commission President Ursula von
                         the interests of all participants in this process.”  der Leyen took aim at Gazprom for failing to
                           The Russian leader added that Russia  boost supply, while praising Norway for increas-
                         expected to send more gas via Ukraine this year  ing its flow.
                         than the 40bn cubic metres per year it is contrac-  “We are very grateful that Norway is stepping
                         tually obligated to send via the country. But in a  up its supply, but this does not seem to be the
                         reference to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, Putin  case for example in Russia,” she said.
                         said sending extra gas through Ukraine was   The EU president also announced that the
                         “economically unprofitable,” noting that Gaz-  creation of a strategic gas reserve would be dis-
                         prom could save $3bn annually by sending its  cussed at the next European Council summit,
                         gas to Europe via “newer systems.”  due to take place on October 21-22. The EU
                           Putin’s words were vague, although the mar-  does not currently have a co-ordinated policy for
                         ket nevertheless reacted strongly. At TTF, the  gas storage, although many individual member
                         November contract plunged to under $1,400  states do have them. ™

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