Page 4 - DMEA Week 07 2022
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Partners mull

       IPO for Borouge

       Borouge is the next on ADNOC’s IPO list as its strategy of monetising
       assets and affiliates makes its way further down the value chain.

        MIDDLE EAST      THE backers of the Abu Dhabi Polymers Co.  understood to be valued at $500mn-$1bn.
                         (Borouge) joint venture (JV) are reported to be   The lump-sum turnkey (LSTK) packages
                         hiring banks to arrange an initial public offering  three, four and five were all awarded to Italian
       WHAT:             (IPO) to float a minority share. The development  EPC contractor Tecnimont and are worth a com-
       ADNOC and Borealis are   comes as work kicks off on the JV’s fourth facility  bined total of $3.5bn. These include a polyolefin
       considering listing their   in the UAE’s Ruwais downstream hub.  units package covering two 700,000 tpy polyeth-
       Borouge JV as they work                                ylene (PE) units and a 1-hexene unit; a package
       to expand production   IPO plans                       for a 100,000 tpy cross-linkable PE (XLPE) unit;
       capacity.         State-owned Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.  and one covering offsites and utilities which
                         (ADNOC) and Austria’s Borealis said this week  includes integration of Borouge 4 with existing
       WHY:              that they are considering a potential IPO of a  facilities and the construction of non-process
       The Emirati firm has   minority stake in the plastics specialist, noting  buildings, roads, infrastructure, internal and
       raised billions of dollars   that they would provide further material updates  external interfaces, tankage systems and flaring
       over the past five years   when appropriate.           systems.
       by leasing, listing or   Soon after, sources close to proceedings were   Bloomberg’s sources said that the companies
       directly selling stakes in   quoted by Bloomberg saying that Citigroup,  are working separately to arrange $2.75bn in
       its various businesses   HSBC Holdings and First Abu Dhabi Bank had  financing from international banks for the unit.
       without losing control.  already been hired for the IPO, adding that there   Upon completion of the new units, Bor-
                         would be more to come. The report said that  ouge will become the world’s largest single-site
       WHAT NEXT:        the listing, which could value Borouge at $20bn  polyolefin complex, while output will be used
       Petrochemicals is the   or more, might take place within the next few  as feedstock for ADNOC’s world-scale TA’ZIZ
       latest sector to attract   months, though the timeline is not yet fixed.  chemicals complex within the company’s Ruwais
       attention and Borouge   In December, ADNOC and Borealis awarded  Derivatives Park.
       would follow the IPO of   five engineering, procurement and construction   This will have a production slate covering
       Fertiglobe late last year.  (EPC) packages contracts for the development  940,000 tpy of chlor-alkali, 1.1mn tpy of ethylene
                         of the Borouge 4 polyolefin (PO) plant follow-  dichloride and 360,000 tpy of polyvinyl chloride
                         ing their commitment a month earlier to invest  (PVC).
                         $6.2bn in the unit by 2025.            The partners said that the combination of
                           The first package, which covers early EPC  Borealis’ proprietary Borstar technology and
                         work including site preparation, was awarded to  hexene co-monomer “will enable the production
                         local firm Al Asab General Transport and Con-  of advanced packaging grades with up to 50%
                         tracting. Package 2 covering the facility’s 1.5mn  recycled polyethylene content”.
                         tonne per year (tpy) ethane cracker was awarded   Meanwhile, a study is ongoing for a carbon
                         to a consortium of France’s Technip Energies  capture unit that would reduce the facility’s car-
                         with the local Target Engineering. The deal is  bon emissions by 80%.

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