Page 11 - EurOil Week 43 2022
P. 11

EurOil                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Czech gas capacity

       95% full

        CZECH REPUBLIC   THE Czech finance minister told parliament  authorities seized unused gas capacity at Dam-
                         that gas storage facilities in the country are nearly  borice facility which is operated by Moravian
      The question of who   95% full which translates to more than 3.2bn  Gas Storage, JV owned by Gazprom and MND
      caused the leaks is   cubic metres (bcm) of stored gas. Zbynek Stan-  (Moravske naftove doly), part the KKCG hold-
      creating sabotages.  jura made the statement during the parliamen-  ing of companies of Czech billionaire Karel
                         tary session which greenlighted the 2023 state  Komarek.
                         budget with the deficit of CZK295bn (€12bn).  The finance minister reiterated that national
                           Stanjura said the current warm weather is  budgets across the EU are under pressure due
                         helping decrease the gas consumption across  to soaring energy prices and high inflation. As
                         Europe. Czechia is one of the most energy  part of its budget proposal the cabinet predicts
                         dependent countries on Russia and following  a slowing down of consumer prices by about a
                         the Russian invasion of Ukraine the country has  half when compared to this year, and the aver-
                         been looking for ways to diversify its energy port-  age annual inflation could drop from this year’s
                         folio including a push for LNG imports or estab-  16.2% to 8.8% next year. Growth of the economy
                         lishment of west and north-oriented gas pipeline  is projected to slow from 2.2% to 1.1%.
                         connectors. Environmental and energy analysts   Stanjura praised that despite the external
                         point out that Czechia still has not tapped into its  pressures “investment activity of the state has
                         full potential in renewable resources.  been preserved”. Some CZK203bn are allocated
                           Czechia also adopted legislation earlier this  for investments out of which CZK127bn are
                         year forcing the gas storage facilities operators to  national money and CZK76bn come from EU
                         auction unused capacities. In the summer Czech  resources. ™

       Lithuanian-Polish gas pipeline successfully

       tested at max capacity

        BALTICS          THE Lithuanian-Polish gas interconnector  Holovschizy gas compressor station in Poland in
                         GIPL has been tested at its maximum capacity,  late September, which allowed the GIPL to reach
      The pipeline was, the website of Lithuanian public broad-  its designed capacity. In Lithuania, the gas pres-
      launhced on May 1.  caster LRT, reported on October 21.  sure in this pipeline is provided by the Jauniunai
                           Two tests were carried out to make sure the  gas compressor station.
                         pipeline can transmit the full gas flow in accord-  The pipeline has been used extensively since
                         ance with the technical parameters of the GIPL  its launch on May 1 and it has been used to
                         construction without any disturbances. Accord-  commercially transport almost 1 TWh of gas
                         ing to the assessment of the Lithuanian and Pol-  to Lithuania for the needs of the country and
                         ish TSOs operating the GIPL interconnection,  other northern countries and 4.2 TWh of gas to
                         the tests were successful, Amber Grid, Lithua-  Poland.
                         nia’s gas transmission system operator, said on   The GIPL pipeline is currently used by ten
                         October 20.                          market players.
                           During the tests, the maximum gas flow, both com-  The Lithuanian-Polish GIPL pipeline, which
                         ing to Lithuania and going to Poland, was achieved,  became operational in May 2022, connected the
                         Nemunas Biknius, CEO at Amber Grid, said.  Baltic and Finnish gas markets to the European
                           The tests followed the commissioning of the  Union, reported. ™

       Week 43   29•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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