Page 9 - EurOil Week 43 2022
P. 9

EurOil                                       COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

                         remains about half of what is needed. Annual   Methane emissions rose by the most ever
                         clean energy investment would have to reach $4  to set a new record last year, according to the
                         trillion by 2030 to hit the net-zero carbon emis-  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Observa-
                         sions target by 2050.                tory, and the gas is responsible for a fifth of the
                           “And major international efforts are still  global warming effects.
                         urgently required to narrow the worrying divide
                         in clean energy investment levels between  Russia’s energy export outlook is poor
                         advanced economies and emerging and devel-  The outlook for Russian energy exports is poor,
                         oping economies,” the IEA highlighted saying  according to the IEA. Russia has failed to com-
                         more investors need to be attracted to the energy  mit to the green revolution, but the effects on the
                         sector.                              development of Russia’s energy system of the
                           “This means redoubling efforts to ensure that  Ukrainian war will be dramatic. Russia will see
                         a broad coalition of countries has a stake in the  total losses to its budget of $1 trillion by 2030,
                         new energy economy. The journey to a more  the IEA says.
                         secure and sustainable energy system may not be   China is the only market that is big enough to
                         a smooth one. But today’s crisis makes it crystal  absorb most the gas that Russia used to export to
                         clear why we need to press ahead,” Birol added.  Europe, but even that market is not big enough
                           The IEA estimate that temperatures will  to absorb it all. According to the IEA, in the
                         rise by 2.5C by 2050 is still well above the 1.5C  2020s, gas consumption in China will grow by
                         increase above pre-industry levels agreed in  an average of 2% per year (in the 2010s it grew
                         Paris. Anything above this will have severe  by 12% per year).
                         effects on the climate, including more extreme   Compared to the report from 2021, the IEA
                         weather events that have plagued the world in  has reduced the forecast for oil production in
                         the last year.                       Russia by 2mn bpd by 2025 and natural gas pro-
                           A separate UN study, published the same day,  duction by 200 bcm per year. Russia’s piped gas
                         also found that government pledges so far to cut  exports have already fallen by 80% this year after
                         emissions will lead to 2.5C of global warming.  the shutdown of the Nord Stream pipelines in
                           Reducing emissions will still be difficult, as  September.
                         some countries are not participating in the cli-  “Energy markets and policies have changed
                         mate crisis efforts, while those that are remain  as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, not
                         susceptible to pressure from lobby groups.  just for the time being, but for decades to come,”
                           As bne IntelliNews reported, an orbital  said Birol. “Even with today’s policy settings, the
                         Nasa instrument has detected large, worldwide  energy world is shifting dramatically before our
                         emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas  eyes. Government responses around the world
                         (GHG). “Super-emitters” were identified in  promise to make this a historic and definitive
                         countries such as Turkmenistan and Iran. Meth-  turning point towards a cleaner, more affordable
                         ane is 27 times more harmful to the climate than  and more secure energy system.”
                         CO2.                                   The IEA says that Russia’s gas exports will
                           The EU is also ignoring its own methane  never return to 2021 levels and will fall by
                         problem, most of which derives from agricul-  exactly 50% by 2030. Russia's share in the global
                         ture – particularly livestock – and is on track  gas market will fall from 30% in 2021 to 15% in
                         to break a promise to cut methane emissions  2030 in the base case and to 10% in the optimistic
                         by 30% by 2030 made due to a “policy vac-  one. The export revenue the Kremlin earns from
                         uum” on livestock emissions, The Guardian  gas exports will shrink from the pre-war $75bn
                         reports. EU has avoided using policy levers  a year to less than $30bn in the IEA’s optimistic
                         such as its €387bn common agricultural pol-  scenario. Russian oil exports will also drop by
                         icy to directly tackle the problem, according  25% by 2030 and by 40% by 2050.
                         to the report by the Changing Markets Foun-  Europe will be able to replace most of the lost
                         dation, under pressure from the powerful  Russian oil imports with Middle Eastern sup-
                         agricultural lobby.                  pliers, but some will also go to North America,

       Week 43   29•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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