Page 13 - EurOil Week 43 2022
P. 13
EurOil POLICY EurOil
Turkey eager to host Russia-
Germany energy talks
TURKEY TURKEY is looking to host talks between the technical difficulties at the Nord Stream pipeline
energy ministers of Russia and Germany in that have been caused by sanctions.
Turkey has sought to December, the chairman of the board of the The pipeline was made inoperable in late Sep-
play a negotiating role Istanbul Economic Summit, Abdullah Deger, tember by suspected sabotage, but analysts have
in the Russia-West was quoted as saying by the local Aydinlik news- noted that Russia’s Gazprom could have pumped
conflict. paper on October 26. more gas to Germany and other customers in
“We can bring together countries and organ- Europe via Ukraine if it wanted to.
isations that are in conflict. In fact, we would Meanwhile, Russian oil giant Rosneft sued
like to bring together the energy ministers of the German government earlier this month for
Germany and Russia,” Deger said. “This will seizing control of two of its subsidiaries that con-
be a great success for Turkey and the Istanbul trol the company’s refining interests in Germany,
Economic Summit. I even suggested this to the including in the Schwedt, MIRO and Bayernoil
parties. They said it was unrealistic, but [what if] refineries. Berlin said placing the assets in state
suddenly everything can be implemented within trusteeship was necessary to protect Germany’s
24 hours.” energy security.
The Istanbul Economic Summit will take Turkey, though a Nato member that has
place on December 8-9. condemned Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, has
Germany and Russia are entangled in mul- also maintained ties with Russia and has not
tiple disputes in the energy sector. Principally, supported sanctions against the country. It has
Berlin has accused Moscow of cutting off gas hosted peace talks between Moscow and Kyiv.
supplies during the summer for political reasons, The Istanbul summit will bring together both
although the Russian government has pointed to Russian and international companies.
Week 43 29•October•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13