Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 18 2021
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                           Rosneft chief Igor Sechin (left, standing), pictured during a visit to Caracas in 2013 (Photo:

       Is Russian interest in

       Venezuelan oil reviving?

       Concerns about US sanctions appear to have convinced Rosneft to maintain a low profile

                         RUSSIAN investment in Venezuelan oil assets   order to evade the consequences of US sanctions
                         has – technically, at least – ramped down over   on Venezuela. And certainly, there have been
       WHAT:             the last year. The decline began in March 2020,   reports that Russian companies and traders are
       Russia and Venezuela   when state-owned Rosneft, which had long   playing a prominent role in helping Caracas
       recently discussed   been one of the most active partners of Vene-  send part of its oil production to the world mar-
       expanding co-operation.  zuela’s national oil company (NOC) PdVSA,   ket, despite the US sanctions regime.
                         announced plans to discontinue its operations   Even so, Rosneft is no longer playing as much
       WHY:              in the South American country. In May 2020,   of an active role in Venezuela as it did before.
       Rosneft does not have   just two months later, Rosneft said that it had   The prospect of falling foul of US sanctions does
       compelling reasons to   completed the process of withdrawal.  appear to have deterred the company – and its
       return to Venezuela.  There has been some speculation that Ros-  parent organisation, the Russian government
                         neft did not exactly quit Venezuela. Instead,   – from co-operating openly with Venezuela.
       WHAT NEXT:        some observers alleged last year that the Rus-  (Indeed, it is worth noting that the Russian giant
       The status quo is likely   sian major had shuffled its Venezuelan assets   announced plans to ramp down operations in
       to stand, absent major
       policy changes in the US   around, moving them first to a state-controlled   that country after US authorities expanded trade
       or Russia.        shell company and then to a little-known private   restrictions in early 2020 to cover two of its sub-
                         security firm with which it already had ties in   sidiaries, Rosneft Trading and TNK Trading.)

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 18   06•May•2021
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