Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 18 2021
P. 9

LatAmOil                                         GUYANA                                            LatAmOil

                         They have asserted that this model results in the   Jr. noted last year that international financial
                         signing of contracts that are far more favourable   institutions (IFIs) such as the World Bank and
                         to outside investors than to host countries with   the International Monetary Fund (IMF), along
                         respect to the division of crude oil and natural   with multi-lateral groups such as the Extractive
                         gas revenues.                        Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), were
                           Ali and his allies are not the only ones taking   also proponents of transparency and the sale of
                         this stance. Guyanese economist Bobby Gossai,   assets through competitive public bidding. ™

       Saipem gears up to launch

       logistics base in Georgetown

                         SAIPEM, the Italian oilfield services provider, is   Saipem intends to use the logistics base and
                         reportedly set to launch a new logistics base and   construction facility to support the tasks it is car-
                         offshore construction facility in Georgetown,   rying out within several sections of Stabroek, a
                         the capital of Guyana, within the next few weeks.  massive offshore block operated by ExxonMobil
                           According to a report from, the   (US).
                         facility is due to begin operating before the end   The Italian company has won multiple ser-
                         of May. As of press time, Saipem had not made   vice contracts within the framework of the
                         any statements confirming the date.  Stabroek project, including an engineering, pro-
                           For his part, Giorgio Martelli, the president   curement, construction and installation (EPCI)
                         and CEO of Saipem America, indicated that he   contract that covers the installation of a subsea
                         was satisfied with the progress of work at the site   production facility at the Payara field.
                         of the base.                           ExxonMobil hopes to use the facility for its
                           “The opening of this facility represents a key   third-phase development project at Payara,
                         milestone in Saipem’s local content development   which is due to begin production in 2024.
                         plan and a great step forward in our relationship   Saipem intends to fabricate some components of
                         with the dynamic nation of Guyana,” he was   the production facility at its base in Georgetown,
                         quoted as saying by       which has been outfitted with the largest heavy
                           The Italian company has striven to maxim-  lift crane ever to operate in Guyana, as well as a
                         ise local content in the project, and Guyanese   heavy load-bearing jetty and specialised welding
                         citizens account for more than 80% of its local   and testing equipment.
                         staff contingent. It has assigned all construction   Payara is one of the 19 oil-bearing fields
                         contracts related to the logistics base to Guya-  found within the Stabroek block, which is
                         nese companies and will arrange for Guyanese   believed to contain more than 9bn barrels of oil
                         firms to provide a range of services to the facility,   equivalent (boe). ExxonMobil and its partners
                         including but not limited to equipping the fabri-  commenced first-phase production at the Liza-1
                         cation yard, according to Gianluigi Della Rosa,   site in December 2019 and hope to launch sec-
                         Saipem’s offshore area procurement manager.  ond-phase work at Liza-2 next year. ™

                                                Saipem’s base in Georgetown will support the Payara project (Photo: Saipem)

       Week 18   06•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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