Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 18 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            Forest and Cruse Formations. It is located geo-  an integrated oil company that is among the 50
                                           logically up-dip and due east of the Company’s  largest in the world and the four largest in Latin
       Ascent Resources extends            WD-5/6 Block and due northeast of the WD-2  America. In addition to Colombia, where it gen-
                                           Block. The PS-4 Block is therefore strategically  erates over 60% of the country’s production, it is
       MoU for negotiation of PSCs         located from both an operating and geological  active in exploration and production in Brazil,
                                           standpoint, and enables Trinity to expand its  Peru and the United States (Gulf of Mexico).
       Ascent Resources, the onshore Caribbean-, His-  new 3D seismic sequence stratigraphic interpre-  Ecopetrol operates the largest refinery in Colom-
       panic American- and European-focused energy  tation approach across not only a larger contigu-  bia, most of the country’s oil-pipeline and poly-
       and natural resources company, has announced  ous area but also to a less well-developed area of  duct network and is significantly increasing its
       that, further to the announcement of April 12,  the Southern Basin.      share of bio-fuels.
       2021, it has agreed a six-month extension to the   Production in the PS-4 Block started in early   Ecopetrol, April 30 2021
       Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) it has  1930s and has produced over 9mn barrels of
       signed with Cupet, the Cuban national oil com-  oil to date with a recovery factor of 12.5-17%.
       pany, that gives the Company the exclusive right  Global averages for conventional recovery fac-  SERVICES
       to negotiate the Production-Sharing Contracts  tors in similar clastic reservoirs average between
       (PSCs) for the onshore producing Block 9B and  25-30% and, as such, there is the potential for a   Baker Hughes awarded
       onshore exploration Blocks 9A, 12 and 15.  significant uplift in production and reserves.
         The MoU extension follows delays in country   In comparison to the WD-5/6 Block, the PS-4   subsea contract for
       as a result of COVID-19 protection and isolation  Block has seen relatively little new investment
       measures that were successfully implemented in  over the last 30-40 years, from both a technical   Petrobras’ Marlim and
       Cuba.                               and drilling perspective, and therefore offers
       Ascent Resources, April 30 2021     significant opportunities to add reserves and   Voador fields
                                           production on a meaningful scale. The PS-4
       Trinity Exploration                 Block has had only six wells drilled on it over the  Baker Hughes has been awarded a subsea oil-
                                           last 30 years. In contrast, Trinity’s neighbouring  field equipment contract from Petrobras as part
       announces acquisition of            WD-5/6 Block has had over 50 wells drilled on it  of the Marlim and Voador field revitalisation
                                           during the same period and currently produces  plan in the Campos Basin, offshore Brazil. The
       onshore PS-4 Block                  over 1,000 bopd. Given the geographic proxim-  contract includes several key technologies from
                                           ity, Trinity believe there are substantial synergies  Baker Hughes’ Subsea Connect portfolio and
       AIM-listed Trinity Exploration & Production,  from a financial, operational and technical per-  will provide Petrobras with a connected suite of
       the independent E&P company focused on Trin-  spective. Building on Trinity’s automation and  solutions to help drive efficiencies, reduce costs
       idad and Tobago, has executed a Sale and Pur-  data driven operating approach, the Company  and improve execution speed.
       chase Agreement (SPA) with Moonsie Oil Co.,  expects to compound the enhanced economic   Baker Hughes will supply up to five subsea
       a private Trinidad-based operator, to acquire an  returns expected from the resultant larger, con-  production and injection manifold systems,
       operated 100% interest in the PS-4 Block Lease  tiguous acreage position over this prolific basin.  which benefit from a lightweight and compact
       Operatorship Sub-Licence, onshore Trinidad for   Trinity Exploration & Production, May 04 2021  design for installation from smaller vessels and
       a total headline cash consideration of $3.5mn                            include integrated hydraulic connection systems
       (subject to potential closing adjustments as                             and retrievable choke modules to realise life of
       described below), to be funded from the Com-  MIDSTREAM                  field cost savings. The manifold systems will
       pany’s existing cash resources.                                          also include Baker Hughes’ field proven vertical
         Acquisition Highlights: Offers significant   Ecopetrol sanctioned by   mechanical clamp connection system which
       opportunities to add reserves and production on                          increases installation efficiencies.
       a meaningful scale. Contiguous to Trinity’s larg-  ANLA in connection with   In addition to the manifold systems, Baker
       est and most prolific onshore Block, WD-5/6.                             Hughes will provide 32 modular, structured,
       Enables Trinity to expand its new 3D seismic   Andino project            subsea control modules – called Modpods -
       sequence stratigraphic interpretation approach.                          which are powered by the company’s industry
       80% of the PS-4 block covered by Trinity’s 3D  Ecopetrol informs that the National Authority  leading, ultra-reliable SemStar5 technology,
       seismic cube. Provides substantial synergies  on Environmental Licensing (ANLA), through  manufactured in the company’s Nailsea facility
       from a financial, operational and technical per-  Resolution No. 754 of 2021, declared the Com-  in Bristol, UK.
       spective. Funded from existing cash resources  pany responsible for carrying out works, dur-
       and immediately accretive to operating and free  ing the construction phase of the hydrocarbon
       cash flow.                          transportation system of the Poliducto Andino
         The PS-4 Block covers circa 4 square km  project, that would not have been covered by the
       located onshore in the Southern Basin of Trin-  environmental management plan.
       idad in the prolific producing Grande Ravine   Therefore, the ANLA decided to impose on
       area within the Super-Giant Forest Reserve  Ecopetrol a fine of nearly COP1.309bn. The
       Field (produced more than 1bn barrels to date).  sanction does not constitute a final decision
       Significantly, the PS-4 Block is contiguous to  within the framework of the administrative
       Trinity’s largest and most prolific onshore Block,  sanctioning process. The Company can appeal
       the WD-5/6 Block, and to Trinity’s WD-2 Block.  this decision, and will make the appropriate fil-
       Current production from the PS-4 Block is from  ing within the required legal timeframe.
       multiple stacked sands in the Morne L’Enfer,   Ecopetrol is Colombia’s largest firm and is

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 18   06•May•2021
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