Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 18 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The modules have extensive field deployment
       history with a mean time between failures of
       more than 150 years, which is 10 times better
       than the industry average as measured by the
       Offshore and Onshore Reliability Data (Oreada).
         “This order is an important example of how
       Subsea Connect is bringing structured tech-
       nology to improve execution certainty,” said
       Neil Saunders, executive vice president of Oil-
       field Equipment at Baker Hughes. “We are able
       to deliver world-class subsea solutions with a
       breadth of expertise and skills to bring flexibil-
       ity, scalability and versatility to complex projects.
       We are proud to partner with Petrobras on the
       revitalisation of Marlim and Voador and offer
       our latest subsea technologies for Brazil.”  can better address the complexities of the area.  reduction with extended maturities and lower
         “This contract is a culmination of our mul-  The integrated project team also includes geol-  cost of debt.
       ti-year engagement with Petrobras and builds  ogists who are providing expertise for salt sce-  Self-Funded, Expanded 2021 Work Pro-
       on our history supplying subsea production sys-  nario testing and detailed interpretation.  gramme: Full-year 2021 work programme of
       tems to deepwater projects in Brazil,” said Adyr   Fast-track products are now available and  $130-150mn, targeting 41,000-43,0001 boepd
       Tourinho, vice president of Brazil and Oilfield  final migrations, including a TTI Kirchhoff and  average production and operating netbacks
       Equipment for Latin America at Baker Hughes.  45Hz RTM, are underway. The final migrations  of $330-370mn assuming Brent at $50-55 per
       “Our lightweight, compact technology is engi-  are being processed in two phases. Phase I will  barrel. Flexible to quickly adapt to any oil price
       neered to combat the most demanding condi-  be available in May, providing approximately  scenario.
       tions found in today’s deepwater environments.”  2,373 square km of data directly over the Agata   Shareholder Value Returns: Quarterly Divi-
       Baker Hughes, May 03 2021           block in preparation for Round 7. Phase II will  dend of $0.0205 per share ($1.25mn), paid on
                                           incorporate the remaining 7,007 square km of  April 13, 2021. Quarterly Dividend of $0.0205
       CGG delivers data from              the project area with final migrations for the full  per share ($1.25mn), to be paid on May 28,
                                                                                2021. Resumed discretionary share buyback
                                           programme expected in August 2021.
       Agata Reimaging to support          CGG, April 28 2021                   programme, having acquired 119,289 shares for
                                                                                $1.2mn since November 6, 2020, while execut-
       Brazil’s 7th Bidding Round          PERFORMANCE                          ing self-funded and flexible work programmes,
                                                                                and paying down debt.
       CGG has announced the delivery of the fast-                              GeoPark, May 05 2021
       track data from its Agata Reimaging programme   GeoPark reports
       over the Agata block in the Santos Basin, a highly                       Ecopetrol announces
       prolific area of Brazil’s offshore pre-salt. The   consolidated financial
       ultra-modern reimaged seismic data set cover-                            Q1-2021 results
       ing over 9,300 square km will provide valuable   results for Q1-2021
       information to oil and gas companies wishing to                          Ecopetrol announced today the Ecopetrol
       evaluate acreage and assess the potential of the  GeoPark, a leading independent Latin Ameri-  Group’s financial results for the first quarter of
       Agata block, prior to Brazil’s upcoming 7th Pro-  can oil and gas explorer, operator and consoli-  2021, prepared in accordance with the Interna-
       duction-Sharing Bidding Round.      dator with operations and growth platforms in  tional Financial Reporting Standards applicable
         The Agata prospect is composed of ultra-  Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil and Argentina  to Colombia.
       deep pre-salt targets located below a highly  reports its consolidated financial results for the   In words of Felipe Bayón Pardo, CEO of
       deformed salt layer. Imaging in this area is par-  three-month period.   Ecopetrol: “Ecopetrol’s operating and financial
       ticularly challenging due to the complexity of   Q1-2021 Highlights: Strong Free Cash Flow  results for the first quarter of the year reflect our
       the salt geometry combined with an entangled  from Profitable Low-Breakeven Production.  ability to react to the COVID-19 crisis and over-
       network of igneous rocks in the post-salt asso-  Consolidated oil and gas production of 38,131  come it in an effective manner. We have shown
       ciated with the Cabo Frio High volcanic activity.  boepd. Revenue of $146.6mn. Operating Profit  resilience and competitiveness in an environ-
       CGG’s Agata Reimaging programme is designed  of $15.9mn, Net Loss of $10.3mn. Operat-  ment where, despite the signs of recovery, there
       to improve the base of salt continuity, lateral  ing Netback of $79.4mn, Adjusted EBITDA  are still potential risks that require ongoing
       coherence and overall resolution to deliver supe-  of $66.5mn (both including protective cash  monitoring.
       rior images that minimise risk and provide a bet-  hedge losses of $20.6mn). Capital expenditures   “We have achieved solid results during
       ter understanding of the exploratory potential in  of $20.3mn. Every $1 invested yielded $3.9 in  Q1-2021. We even surpassed pre-COVID lev-
       this new frontier area.             Operating Netback.                   els in several indicators. We continued to take
         The  Agata  programme  reimages  CGG’s   Successful Debt Reduction: $187.6mn of cash  important steps on our diversification, decar-
       legacy Santos VII broadband multi-client data  & cash equivalents as of March 31, 2021. $75mn  bonisation and climate change mitigation agen-
       set with the very latest proprietary processing  oil prepayment facility, with $50mn committed  das – the aforementioned without losing focus
       technologies. These include inter-bed multiple  and no amounts drawn. $106.2mn in uncom-  on our strategy as an integrated O&G company.
       attenuation and Time-Lag FWI, that were not  mitted credit lines. Strategic deleveraging exe-  These pillars are key to surpass the challenges
       available at the time of the legacy imaging and  cuted in April 2021 resulted in significant debt  that energy transition implies.

       Week 18   06•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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