Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 18 2021
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LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       “We highlight the ongoing process for the                                (3P) only calculated for three of the Compa-
       potential acquisition of the Ministry of Finance’s                       ny’s 20 assets. Net 1P Reserves of 1.103mn bar-
       controlling stake in ISA, which responds to Eco-                         rels of oil with a PV10 valuation of $34.802mn
       petrol’s strategic interest of entering into new                         or CAD$4.69 per share. Net 2P Reserves of
       businesses aligned with the opportunities for                            2.827mn barrels of oil with a PV10 valuation
       electrification and decarbonisation, dictated by                         of $90.386mn or CAD$12.18 per share. Net 3P
       the energy transition, and which in turn lever-                          Reserves of 4.011mn barrels of oil with a PV10
       age the Group’s profitable growth. Also, we also                         valuation of $127.332mn or CAD$17.16 per
       remark the announcement of new decarboni-                                share.
       sation commitments which are aligned with a                                Richard F. Gonzalez, CEO of Petro-Victory,
       carbon-neutral future.                                                   commented: “The certified Reserve Report
         “The financial results for the quarter reflect                         reflects the material shareholder value increase
       an extraordinary recovery. Ecopetrol Group                               that our team has been building since our arrival
       achieved a net income of COP3.1 trillion and                             in Brazil. Our current focus is on executing the
       an EBITDA of COP8.2 trillion in Q1-2021 –                                2021 drilling and workover programme to sig-
       equivalent to a 48% EBITDA margin. These                                 nificantly increase our oil production, cash flow
       results almost double those achieved through-                            and profitability. We remain diligent and active
       out 2020, and were accomplished mainly due to:                           in our pursuit to acquire and increase our portfo-
       i) a strengthened realisation price of the crude  operating restrictions in the Castilla field, an  lio of low risk high impact onshore oil fields. We
       oil export basket at 43% vis-à-vis Q1-2020, from  increase in Basic Sediment and Water contents  are also very pleased that our Brazilian opera-
       $40.3 per barrel to $57.8 per barrel, supported in  in fields such as Chichimene, Akacias, Yariguí,  tions are generating positive cash flow. We thank
       better Brent levels, which went from $50.8 per  Rubiales, and, in a lesser extent, the withdrawal  our shareholders and stakeholders for their con-
       barrel on average for Q1-2020 to $61.3 per barrel  of volumes related to the divestment of Savia in  tinued support and trust.”
       for Q1-2021; ii) active commercial strategy with  Peru. Given the effects of the first quarter, we   Petro-Victory, May 04 2021
       our clients in the markets of China, Gulf of Mex-  currently estimate a production range between
       ico (USA) and Europe; and iii) lower operation  690,000-700,000 boepd for the year 2021 and we
       costs leveraged by a solid efficiency agenda. This  are implementing a plan that will seek to restore  INVESTMENT
       first quarter closed with a solid cash position  the growth path.
       (COP8.1 trillion) and a 2.5-times Gross Debt/  “On natural gas and LPG, we had a remarka-  Petrobras starts
       EBITDA indicator for the last twelve months, in  ble 12% increase in the production level, mainly
       line with our business plan.        as a result of local demand recovery and the rise   binding phase for the
         “Ecopetrol continues to undertake efforts  in production of Hocol due to the acquisition of
       and deploy strategies to achieve a more efficient  Chevron’s stake in the Guajira asset. The contri-  sale of TBG and TSB
       operation. At the end of Q1-2021, the Group  bution of gas and LPG was of 23% of the total
       realised efficiencies amounting to COP263.7bn.  production, with a 53% EBITDA margin and a  Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
       This was reflected in a 9% decrease vs. Q1-2020  11% contribution to the upstream EBITDA.”  on February 05, 2021, informs the beginning of
       in operating costs and expenses. In turn, the   Ecopetrol, May 04 2021   the binding phase regarding the sale of the total-
       total unit cost was $32.6 per barrel, slightly lower                     ity of its stakes of 51% in Transportadora Bra-
       when compared to the total unit cost in the same   Petro-Victory Energy   sileira Gasoduto Bolivia-Brasil (TBG) and 25%
       period of 2020. The above is explained by the                            in Transportadora Sulbrasileira de Gás (TSB).
       reduction in costs and expenses and a higher   announces independently     Potential buyers qualified for this phase will
       currency exchange rate, partially offset by the                          receive a process letter with detailed instructions
       increase in the variable factors associated with   certified reserves    on the divestment process, including guidelines
       purchases and imports resulting from a better                            for conducting due diligence and for submitting
       Brent.                              Petro-Victory Energy has announced inde-  binding proposals.
         “In exploration, Ecopetrol and its partners  pendently certified reserves for the first time in   TBG is a company that operates in the trans-
       finished drilling five wells during Q1-2021. Pro-  the Company’s history.  portation of natural gas and is present in the
       duction from exploration assets increased 39%   As of December 31, 2020, total proved plus  main economic axis of Brazil, in the Midwest,
       as compared to 1Q20, mainly due to contribu-  probable (2P) reserves of 2.827mn barrels of  South-east and South regions, being the owner
       tions from Esox-1, Arrecife-1, Andina Norte-1,  oil and a before tax value discounted at 10% of  and operator of the Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline in
       Boranda-3 and Boranda-2ST. Noteworthy are  $90.386mn has been assigned to the company  Brazilian territory. Its gas pipeline has a length of
       Ecopetrol-operated Flamencos-2 wells, and El  for the Andorinha, Carapitanga and Sao Joao oil  2,593 km, with a transportation capacity of up to
       Niño-1 – operated by Perenco in association  fields in Brazil. This represents a 2P Net Asset  30mn cubic metres per day of natural gas.
       with Ecopetrol – which were drilled in 2020 and  Value of CAD$12.18 per share on an undi-  TSB is located in Rio Grande do Sul, with 50
       declared successful in 1Q21 upon completion  luted basis (9,214,020 shares outstanding). The  km of pipelines already installed, with a trans-
       of relevant testing. At the international level, we  reserves data set forth herein is based on an  portation capacity of up to 7.68mn cubic metres
       continue to make progress in the commercial  independent reserve assessment and evaluation  per day of natural gas and an additional 565-km
       feasibility studies and development plan of Gato  prepared by GLJ Ltd dated April 13, 2021, with  project that, once completed, will allow the con-
       do Mato discovery in the Brazilian pre-salt.  an effective date of December 31, 2020.  nection of the production fields in Argentina to
         “Average production in Q1-2021 was 675,700   Reserve Report Highlights: Proved Reserves  the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre and to
       boe per day. Our production had an impact  (1P), Proved Plus Probable Reserves (2P) and  TBG’s gas pipeline.
       when compared to Q4-2020 mainly due to  Proved Plus Probable Plus Possible Reserves   Petrobras, April 30 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 18   06•May•2021
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