Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 18 2021
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LatAmOil BRAZIL LatAmOil
NTS serves states that make up half of Brazil’s gas consumption (Image: Petrobras)
It will be the same size as the Almirante Tama- contracts, incorporating standardisation of
ndaré, another FPSO that is currently under specifications and a market approach model,”
construction. (When finished, the Almirante it added.
Tamandaré will be the sixth such platform “Innovations were also implemented, such
installed at Búzios.) as: a mechanism to treat and re-inject the water
The NOC said it had launched the bidding produced in the reservoir, technologies to
contest within the framework of a wider effort reduce the emission of pollutant gases and the
to develop its own production platforms. As incorporation of systems that reduce the need
such, the project will “[incorporate] the lessons for diving for hull inspection,” it said.
learned from the FPSOs that have already been The Búzios field was discovered in 2010 and
installed in the pre-salt [zone], including con- came on stream in 2018. It contains more than
tracting and construction aspects,” it stated. 3bn barrels of oil equivalent and may see out-
“Petrobras continues to use the concept of put rise to 2mn boepd by the end of this decade,
standardised projects as a reference for these making it Petrobras’ single most productive
Enauta settles legal dispute with
Dommo Energia over BS-4 block
BRAZILIAN independent Enauta Participações company said in its statement.
said last week that it had settled its legal dispute Enauta’s quarrel with Dommo dates back to
with Dommo Energia, another privately owned 2017. At that time, Barra Energia, another Bra-
Brazilian firm, over the offshore licence area that zilian independent and the third member of the
contains the Atlanta oilfield. consortium set up to develop BS-4, exercised its
In a statement, Enauta explained that the right to expel Dommo. It then divided the com-
settlement called for the parties to abandon pany’s 20% stake in BS-4 equally with Enauta.
all legal proceedings related to BS-4, a shal- This move left Enauta and Barra with 50%
low-water block in the Santos basin, including each. It also led Dommo to protest its expulsion
lawsuits involving their subsidiaries. The deal from the project and to file suit in a bid to secure
also restricts the two companies’ right to pursue the return of its asset. The parties eventually
further litigation, it added. agreed to settle the matter, and Brazilian judicial
“[The] prior transfer of Dommo’s 40% work- authorities ruled after arbitration that Barra had
ing interest to Enauta and Barra Energia will acted in accordance with the consortium’s joint
no longer be subject to any legal dispute,” the operating agreement.
Week 18 06•May•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P11