Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 18 2021
P. 8

LatAmOil                                TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO                                         LatAmOil

                                               Ruby is a section of Block 3(a) within the Greater Angostura field (Photo: BHP)
                         Geraldine Slattery, BHP’s president for petro-  the company’s staff.
                         leum, expressed satisfaction with the progress   “Achieving first oil safely and ahead of
                         of the Ruby project.                 schedule reflects the true tenacity of the Ruby
                           “The start-up of Ruby represents continued   project team together with our industry and
                         development of BHP’s oil and gas production   government partners, who persevered to deliver
                         facilities in Trinidad and Tobago [and] re-en-  this project amid a global pandemic,” he com-
                         forces the quality of the resource and its invest-  mented. “This important milestone also high-
                         ment competitiveness,” she said. “An Ocean   lights BHP’s continued commitment to doing
                         Bottom Node (OBN) seismic survey acquired   business in Trinidad and Tobago, as we celebrate
                         by BHP and the Block 3(a) partners in 2018 was   25 years of operations here this year.”
                         utilised to illuminate and optimally position the   The Australian company is developing Ruby
                         Ruby project development wells. This marks a   through a joint venture with National Gas Co. of
                         significant milestone for our petroleum business   Trinidad and Tobago Ltd (NGC).
                         and our future in Trinidad and Tobago.”  It serves as operator of the venture and has
                           Michael Stone, BHP’s country manager for   a 68.46% equity stake, while NGC owns the
                         Trinidad and Tobago, praised the hard work of   remaining 31.54%. ™

       President says Guyana will adopt new

       model for awarding oil contracts

                         IRFAAN Ali, the president of Guyana, has   public bid.”
                         announced plans to introduce a new model for   Ali did not say exactly when Georgetown
                         assigning oil blocks to investors.   might hold its first licensing round. However,
                           He explained that his administration was   he indicated that the new model would come
                         moving away from direct negotiations with   into force soon. In the meantime, he stated, gov-
                         international oil companies (IOCs) and would   ernment officials have begun preliminary dis-
                         instead conduct licensing rounds. The bidding   cussions on the question of whether any licence
                         contests will be much less opaque, with con-  areas would remain in state hands. “Discussions
                         tracts awarded to the party that submits the   are still ongoing,” he said. “It calls for a lot of
                         most attractive offer, he said.      technical analysis on whether Guyana itself will
                           “We have made it very clear that the process   retain some of those blocks for our own devel-
                         in awarding new oil blocks will be very much   opment and to manage by ourselves, but that is
                         different,” the president commented. “It will be   very preliminary.”
                         an open, public process, and when we get to that   Members of Ali’s administration have criti-
                         stage it will be a public, open bidding process.   cised former President David Granger’s practice
                         We will be looking for the best offer in an open   of dealing with individual firms or consortia.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 18   06•May•2021
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