Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 30 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Brookfield appears to have won

       Inter Pipeline bidding war

       Inter Pipeline has changed course to say it now favours the bid for it put forward

       by Brookfield Infrastructure Partners, causing Pembina Pipeline to abandon a

       previously agreed takeover

        CANADA           INFRASTRUCTURE investment firm Brook-  ($5.7bn). The matter briefly appeared to
                         field Infrastructure Partners appears to have  have been resolved in early June, when Pem-
       WHAT:             emerged as the winner of a bidding war for Can-  bina agreed to buy Inter Pipeline in all-stock
       Brookfield Infrastructure   ada’s Inter Pipeline. The five-month bidding war  CAD8.3bn ($6.7bn) deal, equivalent to
       Partners appears to   came to a head this week when Inter Pipeline’s  CAD19.45 ($15.64) per share. However, Brook-
       have won the battle for   board of directors changed course and said it  field proceeded to raise its hostile offer several
       Inter Pipeline, after rival   now favoured the bid by Brookfield, after hav-  times, until it reached CAD8.58bn ($6.90bn)
       bidder Pembina walked   ing previously agreed to be acquired by Pembina  this month.
       away.             Pipeline.                             Under the latest offer, Inter Pipeline share-
                           As a result, Pembina terminated its takeover  holders can opt to receive either CAD20 ($16)
       WHY:              agreement with Inter Pipeline, paving the way  per share in cash or 0.25 of a share of Brookfield.
       Inter Pipeline has said   for Brookfield’s offer to be officially accepted   When Inter Pipeline informed Pembina
       it now favours a bid by   – though this has yet to happen. Pembina  that its board was now recommending that the
       Brookfield, following   will receive a termination fee of CAD350mn  company accept the Brookfield offer, Pembina
       several revised offers.  ($281mn) from Inter Pipeline as set out in the  opted to terminate its agreement to acquire the
                         agreement between the two.           company.
       WHAT NEXT:                                              “The industrial logic of a combined Pembina
       Pembina will receive a   Decisions and revisions       and Inter Pipeline remains unparalleled and
       $281mn termination fee   The offer that Inter Pipeline now favours is  the value creation between certain of our assets
       from Inter Pipeline.  Brookfield’s fourth, with the latter having revised  is impossible to replicate by any other entity,”
                         its bid several times until Inter Pipeline finally  Pembina’s president and CEO, Mick Dilger,
                         appeared to decide it was too good to turn down.  stated. “While we are disappointed with this
                           In February, Inter Pipeline launched a stra-  outcome, we will continue to seek opportunities
                         tegic review as it sought to fend off a hostile  for growth through focused acquisitions.”
                         takeover bid from Brookfield worth CAD7.1bn   Inter Pipeline, for its part, described the latest

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2021
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