Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 30 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  anticipates that North
                                                                                                  American growth rates
                                                                                                  will moderate in the
                                                                                                  second half of the year.

       Schlumberger’s second-

       quarter beats expectations

        GLOBAL           SCHLUMBERGER, the world’s largest oilfield   Schlumberger’s operating margins nearly
                         services company, exceeded analyst expectations  doubled to 14.3%, which was the highest
                         with its results for the second quarter of 2021.  level since 2018, led by particularly signifi-
                           The oilfield services giant posted a sec-  cant gains in its digital and integration unit.
                         ond-quarter net income of $431mn, or $0.30 per  This marked the fourth consecutive quarter of
                         share, up from $299mn, or $0.21 per share, in  margin expansion, and was attributed to past
                         the first quarter of 2021. According to Refinitiv  cost-cutting efforts, as well as y/y software rev-
                         IBES data cited by Reuters, analysts had expected  enue increases.
                         Schlumberger to achieve earnings of $0.26 per   Despite concerns over the future impact of
                         share in the second quarter.         the Delta variant of the coronavirus (COVID-
                           On a year-on-year basis, the company’s earn-  19) pandemic, Schlumberger officials expressed
                         ings also improved, from net income of $69mn  confidence about the company’s performance
                         a year ago.                          over the remainder of the year.
                           “Our second-quarter results demonstrate the   “While the rise of the COVID-19 Delta
                         broad strength of our portfolio, the extent of our  variant and resurgence of related disruptions   The oilfield
                         market participation – both in North America  could impact the pace of economic reopening,
                         and internationally – and our enhanced ability  industry projections of oil demand reflect the   services giant
                         to capture and translate activity growth into sus-  anticipation of a wider vaccine-enabled recov-
                         tained margin expansion and strong free cash  ery, improving road mobility, and the impact of   posted a
                         flow [FCF],” commented Schlumberger’s CEO,  various economic stimulus programmes,” said
                         Olivier Le Peuch.                    Le Peuch. “Under this scenario, we believe the  second-quarter
                           The company reported second-quarter rev-  momentum of international activity growth   net income of
                         enue of $5.6bn, up 8% sequentially from $5.2bn  that we experienced in the second quarter will
                         in the first quarter of this year and 5% y/y from  continue as the cyclical recovery unfolds. This   $431mn, or
                         $5.4bn in the second quarter of 2020. Both  view is supported by rig count trends, capital
                         Schlumberger’s North American and interna-  spending signals and customer feedback. In  $0.30 per share.
                         tional revenue grew sequentially, and interna-  North America, we anticipate the growth rate to
                         tional revenue also rose y/y, but North American  moderate; however, drilling activity could still
                         revenue came in 1% below year-ago levels as US  surprise to the upside due to private E&P oper-
                         producers continued to exercise capital disci-  ator spending.”
                         pline despite stronger oil prices.     Schlumberger anticipates that its interna-
                           On a global basis, all four company divisions  tional revenue will continue growing in the
                         – digital and integration, reservoir performance,  second half of 2021 by double-digits when com-
                         well construction and production systems –  pared to the second half of last year, barring any
                         reported growth in the second quarter. Indeed,  pandemic-related setback to the recovery. This is
                         this was the highest sequential quarterly revenue  expected to translate into full-year international
                         growth rate since the second quarter of 2017.  revenue growth for 2021.™

       Week 30   29•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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