Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 30 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       TC Energy profits from demand recovery

        NORTH AMERICA    CANADA’S TC Energy posted a net profit of  country’s gas operations offline. Additionally,
                         CAD982mn ($790mn), or CAD1.00 ($0.80)  the company saw increased gas flows in Canada.
                         per common share, for the second quarter of   The company noted that it had sanctioned
                         2020. The result marked a fall from net income  the VR project on its Columbia gas system in the
                         of CAD1.3bn ($1.0bn), or CAD1.36 ($1.09)  second quarter, which represents a capital invest-
                         per share for the second quarter of 2020. How-  ment of roughly $700mn aimed at improving the
                         ever, it was also a sequential improvement on a  system’s reliability and lowering greenhouse gas
       TC Energy expects   net loss of CAD1.1bn ($885mn), or CAD1.11  (GHG) emissions. The project is anticipated to
       termination activities   ($0.89) per share, in the first quarter of this year  enter service in 2025.
       related to Keystone XL   – though that loss was in large part the result of   Meanwhile, Phase I of Grand Chenier XPress,
       to continue until 2022.  an impairment charge on the cancelled Keystone  an expansion project on the ANR pipeline sys-
                         XL pipeline.                         tem, went into service in April 2021. Phase II is
                           The sequential improvement was largely  expected to be brought into service in early 2022,
                         attributable to the company transporting more  TC Energy said.
                         crude as oil demand recovered from pandemic   On the liquids side, TC Energy said its earn-
                         lows. Natural gas demand also improved, and TC  ings had decreased owing to lower volumes flow-
                         Energy’s president and CEO, Francois Poirier,  ing in the Keystone pipeline system. It added,
                         noted that the company’s US pipeline network  however, that this had been partially offset by
                         moved an average of 26bn cubic feet (736mn  increased contributions from liquids marketing
                         cubic metres) per day. This was a 5% year-on-  activities, reflecting overall higher margins and
                         year increase, he said on the company’s earnings  volumes.
                         call.                                  The company said that as of June 30, its net
                           TC Energy’s US gas pipeline segment earn-  financial impact as a result of the termination
                         ings also improved sequentially after taking a hit  of Keystone XL during the second quarter was
                         thanks to the winter storm in the first quarter of  CAD1.1bn. It noted that termination activities
                         this year that briefly took a large chunk of the  and related costs would continue until 2022.™


       US legislators urge Biden to examine

       Mexican energy policy

        US-MEXICO        TWENTY US legislators, including members
                         of the Senate and the House of Representa-
                         tives from both the Democratic and Republi-
                         can parties, have urged President Joe Biden to
                         take a closer look at the Mexican government’s
                         approach to competition in the energy sector in
                         light of the challenges faced by US oil, gas and
                         power companies working in Mexico.
                           In the letter, which was dated July 20, the
                         legislators voiced serious concerns about the
                         measures that the administration of Mexican
                         President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has
                         taken to insulate state-run organisations from  the matter during a recent visit to Mexico.
                         competition. They said they had expressed   “We were pleased to see Ambassador Kather-
                         similar worries in a letter to former President  ine Tai raise this with her counterpart last month
                         Donald Trump last year and thanked US Trade  and believe this recent escalation requires your
                         Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai, a Biden  immediate and sustained attention and a timely
                         administration official, for drawing attention to  solution,” they wrote.

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2021
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