Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 30 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            injector well and is now injecting at a rate   Distributable cash flow (DCF), a non-
                                           of over 30,000 barrels of water per day into   GAAP financial measure that represents the
       Advantage announces                 the producing B-6 formation. The project   amount of cash generated during the period
                                                                                that is available to pay distributions, was
                                           is the first intra-well water flood of its kind
       second quarter 2021                 in a deepwater subsea environment and is   $268.0mn for second quarter 2021 compared
                                                                                to $209.5mn for second quarter 2020. The
                                           intended to increase overall production and
       financial and operating             recovery efficiency through the existing   gain on asset sale has not been included
                                           subsea producing wells. Talos holds a 65%
                                                                                in DCF because it is not related to the
       results and succession              working interest (operator) along with   partnership’s ongoing operations.
                                           Kosmos Energy.
                                                                                  “Magellan remains focused on creating
       plan                                Viosca Knoll block 960 was drilled to a true   long-term value for our investors,
                                             The Crown and Anchor sidetrack well at
                                                                                announcing asset sales exceeding $700mn
       Advantage Energy is pleased to report its   vertical depth (TVD) of approximately 13,000   and repurchasing more than $80mn of equity
       second quarter 2021 results including record   feet and encountered approximately 50 feet of   during the second quarter of 2021,” said
       production of 50,011 boepd, a significant   net TVD oil pay in the M62 Middle Miocene   Michael Mears, chief executive officer. “Our
       increase in free cash flow and accelerated debt   target horizon. The project has moved to the   strategic asset base continues to demonstrate
       reduction.                          completion phase and will produce through   strength throughout various business cycles,
         Production from the winter drilling   existing subsea infrastructure to the Marlin   generating another quarter of solid financial
       programme continued to exceed expectations   tension leg platform, requiring nominal   results. Magellan’s resilient business model
       while gas prices remained elevated during   additional tie-back costs, with first production   and strong balance sheet position us well to
       the quarter, with the payout of new wells   targeted by late third quarter of 2021. Talos   safely and efficiently deliver essential fuels for
       averaging 8 months from the on-stream date.    holds a 34% working interest in the project   our nation as the economy recovers and for
       Production was relatively stable through   along with Beacon Offshore Energy (operator)  many decades to come.”
       the extreme heat event in June thanks to the   and Ridgewood Crown & Anchor.  MAGELLAN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, July 29,
       outstanding efforts of our field staff and robust   TALOS ENERGY, July 26, 2021  2021
       facility designs. Drilling and completions
       activities resumed approximately 3-4 weeks
       ahead of schedule made possible by an   MIDSTREAM                        SERVICES
       unusually brief spring breakup.
       ADVANTAGE ENERGY, July 29, 2021     Magellan Midstream                   Ensign Energy Services
       Talos Energy provides               reports second-quarter 2021  and Nabors Industries –

       update on recent drilling           financial results                    announce the closing of the
       operations and second               Magellan Midstream Partners today reported   sale of Nabors’ Canadian
                                           net income of $280.4mn for second quarter
       quarter production                  2021 compared to $133.8mn for second   drilling assets to Ensign
                                           quarter 2020. The 2021 results included a
       Talos Energy today announced preliminary   $69.7mn gain primarily related to Magellan’s   Energy Services
       production estimates for the second quarter   sale of a portion of its interest in the Pasadena
       of 2021, successful first production from the   marine terminal joint venture during the   Ensign Energy Services and Nabors Industries
       company’s Tornado Attic well and successful   current period.            are pleased to announce the completion
       drilling of the company’s Crown and Anchor   Diluted net income per common unit   of the purchase by Ensign of the fleet of 35
       well.                               was $1.26 in second quarter 2021, or $0.95   land-based drilling rigs owned by Nabors’
         Talos estimates that average daily   excluding the $0.31 favourable impact of   Canadian subsidiary, as well as related
       production for the second quarter of 2021 was   the gain on asset sale, compared to $0.59 in   equipment, inventory, and real property,
       approximately 66,000 barrels of oil equivalent   second quarter 2020.    for a purchase price of CAD117,500,000
       per day (boepd) net, ahead of company   Diluted net income per unit excluding   (approximately $93,250,000). All closing
       expectations, and was approximately 69% oil   mark-to-market (MTM) commodity-related   conditions, including the receipt of a “no-
       and 76% liquids. Estimated realised prices for   pricing adjustments, a non-generally accepted   action letter” from the Competition Bureau
       the quarter, exclusive of hedges, were $64.28/  accounting principles (non-GAAP) financial   confirming that the Commissioner of
       barrel of oil, $22.28/barrel of NGLs and   measure, was $1.38 for second quarter 2021.   Competition does not intend to challenge the
       $3.05/1,000 cubic feet of natural gas.  These results exceeded the $1.15 guidance   transaction, were satisfied.
         Following successful drilling of the   provided by management in late April   RH (Bob) Geddes, Ensign’s president and
       Tornado Attic well, announced in June 2021,   primarily due to higher-than-expected refined   chief operating officer, commented on the
       Talos executed completion operations and   products shipments, higher commodity prices   acquisition: “We are thrilled to welcome our
       achieved first production in mid-July 2021.   that primarily benefited the partnership’s   new employees to the Ensign team and look
       The well is currently producing above the   fractionation activities and value of its product  forward to the smooth integration of both
       previously estimated 8,000-10,000 boepd   overages, as well as lower expenses primarily   field and office employees. With our now
       range. The company also increased injection   due to timing. Previous guidance had already   expanded high-spec drilling fleet in Canada,
       rates in the structurally downdip Tornado   included the expected gain on asset sale.  we look forward to leveraging these strong

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2021
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