Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 30 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                            PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       China denies launching cyberattacks

       on US gas pipelines

        US-CHINA         THE Chinese government has rejected US  largest source of cyberattacks targeting China.
                         claims that it was behind multiple cyberattacks  Data in 2020 showed 53% of the 42mn malicious
                         targeting American natural gas infrastructure  cyber activities came from the US.”
                         dating back a decade.                  Cybersecurity has emerged as Washington
                           Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao  and Beijing’s latest battleground, as ties between
                         Lijian dismissed last week the US Department  the two giants continue to deteriorate. The US
                         of Homeland Security’s (DHS) claim that the  last week led a coalition of allied counties in
                         Chinese state had sponsored cyberattacks on  accusing China of a global cyberespionage cam-
                         23 pipeline operators from late December 2011  paign. Washington’s claims were supported Nato
                         until the end of February 2012.      as well as the EU, the UK, Japan, Canada, Aus-
                           The DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastruc-  tralia and New Zealand.
                         ture Security Agency (CISA) issued on July 20   US President Joe Biden doubled down on the
                         a Joint Cybersecurity Advisory report, which  subject this week, warning that a future military
                         was co-authored by the FBI, in which it claims  conflict between the world’s major powers was
                         that “Chinese actors” launched a highly sophisti-  likely to be triggered by cyberattacks.
                         cated spear-phishing campaign targeting the US   Speaking at the Office of the Director of
                         gas industry. Of those targeted, 20 operators are  National Intelligence on July 27, Biden said:
                         understood to have been compromised, while  “I think it’s more likely we’re going to end up
                         three were unaffected.               – well, if we end up in a war, a real shooting
                           Zhao, however, said on July 23 that the report  war with a major power, it’s going to be as a
                         had confused “right and wrong”.      consequence of a cyber-breach of great con-
                           “China firmly opposes and fights against all  sequence. And it’s increasing exponentially –
                         forms of cyberattacks,” Zhao said. “The US is the  the capabilities.”™


       Lime Rock makes Delaware Basin purchase

        TEXAS            LIME Rock Resources announced this week  equity firm Lime Rock Management. The firm
                         that it had agreed to acquire producing oil and  has another unit, Lime Rock partners, which
                         gas properties in the Permian Basin’s Delaware  also invests in the energy industry.
                         sub-basin for $508.3mn from an unnamed pri-  Lime Rock has operations in the Appala-
                         vate seller.                         chian, Permian and Williston basins, as well as
                           The assets are located primarily in Texas’ Lov-  the Mid-Continent, the Gulf Coast and the Gulf
                         ing County and were producing 15,163 barrels of  of Mexico. According to the company’s web-
                         oil equivalent per day (boepd) as of April 1. The  site, its core focus is producing fields, including
                         transaction is anticipated to close on September  mature properties that offer additional drilling
                         30, Lime Rock said.                  opportunities or reinvestments in operational
                           “The high volatility in the energy business  improvements. It is also seeking acquisitions that
                         over the last 18 months has created some unique  allow it to benefit from operating synergies and
                         opportunities in the oil and gas property mar-  expand its footprint in attractive basins.
                         ket,” stated Lime Rock’s chairman and CEO, Eric   The acquisition comes as the wave of mergers
                         Mullins. “This acquisition is one of those oppor-  and acquisitions in US shale continues apace. It is
                         tunities, which fits quite well the Lime Rock  being bolstered by a combination of stronger oil
                         Resources acquisition strategy.”     prices and changing strategies among produc-
                           Lime Rock’s vice-chairman, Charlie Adcock,  ers, many of whom are now seeking to add scale
                         added that once his company takes over opera-  rather than pursuing aggressive growth like they
                         tions, it will be able to optimise existing produc-  did previously.
                         tion and pursue other “value-creating initiatives”   While shale assets are increasingly being
                         across the assets.                   concentrated in the hands of a few lead-
                           Data analytics firm Enverus said in a note that  ing producers, Lime Rock’s deal shows that
                         this was the first acquisition in more than two  smaller packages of assets are also still chang-
                         years for Lime Rock, which is the exploration  ing hands among private producers and pri-
                         and production investment vehicle of private  vate equity players.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2021
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