Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2022
P. 12

NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  October 17 that it had had its assets in Russia
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  expropriated, marking an abrupt end to the
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  nearly three decades that the US major has been
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  working in the country. The company entered
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  Russia in 1995, securing operatorship of the
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  Sakhalin-1 oil project in the Russian Far East –
                         for each section the full text will be available as  often cited as one of the most successful interna-
                         before.                              tional oil ventures in Russian history.

                         AfrOil: Museveni defends Uganda’s oil de-  GLNG: Mozambique expects to dispatch
                         velopment plans                      history-making first LNG export by end of
                         Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has said  October
                         that his government is committed to reaching  Mozambique is on track to export its first LNG
                         carbon neutrality by 2050 but does not expect  cargo from the Coral field, located off the coast
                         fossil fuel consumption to be eliminated com-  of the country’s northernmost Cabo Delgado
                         pletely within the next few decades. In a speech  province, by the end of October, Macao News
                         at a climate summit in Johannesburg, Museveni  reported on October 19. The publication, based
                         declared that his country was on track to bring  in a special administrative region of China,
                         net carbon dioxide emissions down to zero by  quoted Mozambique’s Finance Minister Max
                         the middle of the century.           Tonela as saying to the Portuguese news agency
                                                              Lusa: “We hope that before the end of October
                         AsianOil: Woodside achieves profit record  the first export of LNG produced by Mozam-
                         amid high gas price                  bique will take place.”
                         Australia’s biggest oil and gas producer
                         Woodside Energy achieved record output and  LatAmOil:  Guyana  to  reserve  offshore
                         sales in the third quarter, thanks to soaring  blocks for bilateral partnerships
                         gas prices and the wrap-up of its merger with  Guyana’s President Irfaan Ali has said that his
                         BHP’s petroleum division. The LNG exporter  government intends to set some sections of the
                         also raised its output guidance after its $40bn  country’s offshore zone aside for partnerships
                         tie-up with BHP’s petroleum business was  with other countries under bilateral accords
                         completed in June.                   rather than including them in competitive
                                                              licensing rounds. Speaking at a press conference,
                         DMEA: Russian fuel deliveries to Middle  Ali said that Georgetown intended to dispose of
                         East remain high in September        a number of unassigned blocks in this fashion.
                         Russia continued to deliver higher than usual
                         volumes of petroleum products to buyers in  MEOG: Gaza nears deal for offshore explo-
                         the Middle East in September, even though  ration
                         deliveries dropped month on month, accord-  Following the recent maritime delimitation
                         ing to Vortexa data cited by Argus Media. On  agreement between Israel and Lebanon, the
                         October 19, Argus Media explained that Rus-  Palestinian Authority (PA) appears close to an
                         sian sellers had been sending about 250,000-  upstream development deal offshore the Gaza
                         450,000 tonnes per month of refined fuel to  Strip. Egypt’s Petroleum and Mineral Resources
                         the Middle East prior to the outbreak of war in  Minister Tarek El-Molla held talks with Pales-
                         Ukraine in late February.            tinian Prime Minister Muhammed Shtayyeh
                                                              and Israeli representatives to pursue the devel-
                         EurOil: Will Europe’s energy supply allow it  opment of the Gaza Marine gas field.
                         to make it through the winter?
                         Europe has filled its gas storage facilities to  NorthAmOil: Continental to be acquired by
                         close to 95% of capacity, and while gas prices  Hamm family in sweetened $4.3bn deal
                         are still very high, they are substantially down  Shale producer Continental Resources will
                         from previous spikes. How the continent’s  merge with Omega Acquisition, an Okla-
                         energy system will fare this winter, however,  homa corporation owned by Continental’s
                         will depend on a number of factors – many of  founder, Harold Hamm. The company, one
                         which are highly unpredictable.      of the US’ largest independent oil companies,
                                                              will become private.
                         FSUOGM:  ExxonMobil sees abrupt  Rus-
                         sian exit, saying assets expropriated  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         ExxonMobil confirmed to multiple media on  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   27•October•2022
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