Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       MOVES                               sheet, I am confident that Granite Ridge will   a 140-megawatt (MW) wind generation
                                           continue to be a testament to our philosophy   facility on Pioneer-owned surface acreage in
       Grey Rock Investment                of matching accomplished executives and   Midland County. This project is supported by
                                           great assets, with the proper capital structure
                                                                                a power purchase agreement with Pioneer, in
       Partners and Executive              to maximize results and value creation.”  which Targa Resources will participate and is
                                              “I am honored to lead Granite Ridge as
                                                                                expected to be operational in 2024. NextEra
       Network Partnering                  we enter the public market and seize the   Energy Resources is the world’s largest
                                           opportunities created by today’s energy
                                                                                generator of renewable energy from the wind
       Corporation successfully            environment,” said Luke Brandenberg,   and sun and a world leader in battery storage.
                                                                                  Additionally, Pioneer is also a participant
                                           Granite Ridge president and chief executive
       complete business                   officer. “As capital continues to dry up for   in the 160 MW Concho Valley Solar project
                                                                                through Targa’s power purchase agreement,
                                           natural resources coupled with a world
       combination forming                 increasingly reliant on U.S. energy production,  which commenced delivering renewable
                                           we will maintain a strategic approach focusing
                                                                                electricity during October 2022.
       publicly traded Granite             on non-operated working interests and   these projects will provide a portion of the
                                                                                  The renewable electricity sourced from
                                           joint ventures, partnering with experienced
       Ridge Resources                     operators in the most prolific basins, and   power required to operate Pioneer and Targa’s
                                                                                jointly owned Midland Basin natural gas
                                           leveraging real-time data to build a diversified
       Grey Rock Investment Partners, a Dallas-  asset base that creates healthy, risk-adjusted   processing infrastructure, as well as Pioneer’s
       based investment firm, and Executive   returns while generating substantial value for   field operations, enhancing each company’s
       Network Partnering Corporation (ENPC), a   our stockholders.”            emissions reduction initiatives through
       special purpose acquisition entity, announced   GREY ROCK INVESTMENT PARTNERS   renewable electricity purchases and credits.
       today that they have successfully closed the   AND EXECUTIVE NETWORK PARTNERING   Participating in these projects exemplify
       previously announced business combination   CORPORATION, October 24, 2022  the commitment of Pioneer and Targa to
       resulting in the formation of publicly traded                            be industry leaders in reducing emissions
       Granite Ridge Resources. Granite Ridge’s                                 throughout the Midland Basin.
       common stock and warrants are expected   ENERGY TRANSITION                 Pioneer will continue to evaluate wind
       to begin trading on the NYSE under the                                   and solar developments on its extensive
       ticker symbols “GRNT” and “GRNT WS”,   Pioneer Natural Resources         owned surface acreage in the Permian
       respectively, on October 25, 2022. Granite                               Basin. These projects, along with any future
       Ridge is led by president and chief executive   announces participation in   projects, are expected to provide an offset to
       officer Luke Brandenberg and chief financial                             Pioneer’s Scope 2 emissions through the use
       officer Tyler Farquharson.          renewable energy projects            of renewable electricity, helping Pioneer to
         “The creation of Granite Ridge is a                                    further reduce the emission intensity of the
       springboard for growth and a compelling   Pioneer Natural Resources today announced   Company’s operations while continuing to
       opportunity for investors, driven by the   the participation in two renewable energy   supply low-cost, responsibly sourced energy
       increasing demand for traditional energy,” said  projects that will supply low-cost, renewable   to the world.
       Paul Ryan, chairman of ENPC and former   power to the company’s Permian Basin   PIONEER NATURAL RESOURCES, October 27,
       Speaker of the US House of Representatives.   operations and the Texas electric grid.  2022
       “Underpinned by a high-quality asset base,   Pioneer is working with a subsidiary
       attractive growth profile, and strong balance   of NextEra Energy Resources to develop

       Week 43   27•October•2022                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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