Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2022
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NorthAmOil                                    INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Teck to exit Fort Hills oil sands project

        ALBERTA          CANADIAN miner Teck Resources will sell its  24.6% is owned by French super-major TotalEn-
                         stake in the Fort Hills oil sands project to Suncor  ergies. Canada-based Suncor is the operator.
                         Energy for CAD1bn ($737mn).            In its general financial results, Tech reported
                           Teck said it is shifting its focus to copper in an  that it had lost CAD195mn or CAD0.37 per
                         effort to reduce its involvement in carbon. The  diluted share in the third quarter, which ended
                         mining and processing of oilsands crude is espe-  on September 30. This compared with a profit
                         cially carbon-intensive, as well as pricey.  of CAD816mn ($599mn), or CAD1.51 ($1.11)
                           “This transaction advances our strategy of  per diluted share in the same quarter in 2021.
                         pursuing industry-leading copper growth and  Revenue in the third quarter totalled CAD4.7bn
                         rebalancing our portfolio of high-quality assets  ($3.5bn), compared with CAD4.0bn ($2.9bn) a
                         to low-carbon metals,” noted Teck’s CEO, Jona-  year earlier.
                         than Price, in a third-quarter earnings call with   The Fort Hills project, an open-cast truck
                         analysts on October 26 .             and shovel mine, has been problematic. It has
                           Teck reported a loss in third-quarter of  had operational problems, delays and cost
                         CAD195mn ($143mn), or CAD0.37 ($0.27) per  overruns. Majority owner Suncor has reported
                         share, in a one-time charge related to the sale of  that it anticipates 5% lower gross production
                         the troubled oil sands mine.         as well as higher operating costs for three years
                           The Vancouver-based company said that  until 2025 because of its plans for improving
                         as a result of the deal for Fort Hills, it also had  the facility.
                         an after-tax, non-cash impairment charge of   TotalEnergies said in September that it will
                         CAD952mn ($699mn) in the third quarter of  spin off its oilsands assets, including Fort Hill.
                         2022.                                “We are not the best shareholder of these assets
                           Teck has had a 21.3% stake in Fort Hills, in  because as we have a climate strategy, we don’t
                         northern Alberta. The sale increases Suncor’s  want to invest in these assets,” said CEO Patrick
                         interest in the project to 75.4%. The remaining  Pouyanne at the time.™

       ExxonMobil to sell Montana refinery

        MONTANA          EXXONMOBIL has agreed to sell its refinery  oil grades. Par Pacific said it is evaluating renew-
                         in Billings, Montana, to Par Pacific Holdings for  able fuels opportunities to supplement the
                         $310mn. ExxonMobil is seeking to reduce its  refinery’s conventional fuel production and to
                         refining business except near the US Gulf Coast  use its existing market position in Washington
                         and in the Midwest.                  to reduce the carbon intensity of its fuel sales in
                           The Montana refinery has a capacity of 63,000  accordance with the recently enacted Washing-
                         barrels per day (bpd).               ton low-carbon fuel standard.
                           The deal includes pipeline assets linked to   In addition to the refining assets, the trans-
                         the refinery and interests in oil product termi-  action includes a 65% interest in an adjacent
                         nals locally in Montana and in Washington State  co-generation facility and an expansive market-
                         in the Pacific Northwest, as well as hydrocarbon  ing and logistics network in the Rocky Mountain
                         and other inventory to be valued at closing.  and West Coast regions.
                           Par Pacific expects to fund the acquisition   The logistics assets include the wholly owned
                         with cash on hand and availability under exist-  70-mile (112-km), 55,000 bpd Silvertip Pipeline,
                         ing credit facilities, based on liquidity of approx-  a 40% interest in the 750-mile (1207-km), 65,000
                         imately $495mn on September 30, 2022.  bpd Yellowstone refined products pipeline, and
                           The hydrocarbon inventory is expected to be  seven refined product terminals.
                         financed by a new working capital facility.  Total storage capacity across the refinery and
                           The transaction is anticipated to close in the  logistics locations totals 4.1mn barrels of oil.
                         second quarter of 2023.              The acquisition also includes a long-term Exx-
                           “This acquisition will significantly enhance  onMobil-branded fuels marketing arrangement
                         our scale and geographic diversification and  to supply approximately 300 retail locations.
                         underpins our focus on pursing strategic growth   Credit rating service Moody’s said: “The
                         initiatives,” said Par Pacific’s president and CEO,  acquisition benefits Par’s credit profile because
                         William Pate. “This acquisition expands our fully  it increases scale and diversification and will be
                         integrated downstream network in the western  funded within existing liquidity.”
                         United States.”                        Nationally, refinery profit margins have been
                           The refinery is a high-conversion, complex  strong this year, increasing the appeal of the sale.
                         refinery, and it can process low-cost Western  Par Pacific releases its results on November 1,
                         Canadian and regional Rocky Mountain crude  and ExxonMobil does so on October 28.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   27•October•2022
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