Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       as product demand through our system has   “After more than 42 years as an   30, 2022. RPC provides a broad range of
       surpassed 2019 levels, while global product   independent company, we are ecstatic   specialised oilfield services and equipment
       supply remains constrained due to capacity   about becoming a part of SLB,” said Robert   primarily to independent and major oilfield
       reductions and high natural gas prices in   Trainer, president and CEO, Gyrodata. “This   companies engaged in the exploration,
       Europe are setting a higher floor on margins,”   combination will create important synergies   production, and development of oil and gas
       said Joe Gorder, Valero’s chairman and chief   between our technology platforms, bringing   properties throughout the United States and
       executive officer. “We continue to maximise   immediate and significant benefits for our   in selected international markets.
       refining utilisation in a safe, reliable and   customers. We look forward to accelerating   For the quarter ended September 30,
       environmentally responsible manner to   the next step-change of this technology   2022, RPC generated revenues of $459.6mn,
       provide essential products.”        revolution as part of the world’s leading   an increase of 22.4% compared to $375.5mn
       VALERO ENERGY, October 25, 2022     provider of technology and services to the   in the second quarter of 2022, due to
                                           energy industry.”                    higher customer activity levels and pricing
                                              The transaction is subject to regulatory   improvements, as well as an increasingly
       SERVICES                            approvals and is expected to close towards the   favourable job mix. Operating profit for the
                                           end of 2022.                         third quarter of 2022 was $92.2mn compared
       SLB to acquire Gyrodata             SLB, October 26, 2022                to an operating profit of $60.4mn in the
                                                                                second quarter of 2022. Net income for the
       Incorporated                        US Silica Holdings                   third quarter of 2022 was $69.3mn, or $0.32
                                                                                diluted earnings per share, compared to net
       SLB today announced it has entered   announces completion of             income of $46.9mn, or $0.22 diluted earnings
       into an agreement to acquire Gyrodata                                    per share, in the second quarter of 2022.
       Incorporated, a global company specialising   $50mn loan repurchase      Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation,
       in gyroscopic wellbore positioning and survey                            and amortisation (EBITDA)1 for the third
       technology. The transaction will integrate   US Silica Holdings, a diversified industrial   quarter of 2022 was $113.0mn, an increase of
       Gyrodata’s wellbore placement and surveying   minerals company and the leading last-mile   40.3%, compared to $80.6mn in the second
       technologies within SLB’s Well Construction   logistics provider to the oil and gas industry,   quarter of 2022.
       business, bringing customers innovative   today announced that it has completed   Cost of revenues during the third
       drilling solutions.                 a $50mn voluntary term loan principal   quarter of 2022 was $309.8mn, or 67.4% of
         This combination will improve wellbore   repayment. The debt was retired at a discount   revenues, compared to $260.9mn, or 69.5%
       quality and reduce drilling risk to unlock   to par using excess cash on hand.  of revenues in the second quarter of 2022.
       even the most remote and complex       Bryan Shinn, chief executive officer,   Cost of revenues increased primarily due to
       reservoirs. Integrating three-axis solid state   commented: “We are pleased to utilise an   increases in expenses consistent with higher
       gyro measurements with the latest SLB   additional portion of our robust year-to-date   activity levels, such as materials and supplies
       technological innovations will help ensure   cash flow to deliver on our commitment to   expenses, maintenance and repairs expenses,
       tighter trajectory control, reduce data   strengthen our balance sheet and improve   employment costs and fuel costs. Cost of
       acquisition time and improve the decision-  US Silica’s leverage profile. This brings our   revenues as a%age of revenues decreased due
       making process – resulting in greater overall   total 2022 debt repurchases to $150mn. We   to the leverage of direct employment costs
       drilling efficiency.                continue to see strong performance across   over higher revenues coupled with improved
         “The integration of Gyrodata’s innovative   both of our business segments and remain   pricing for RPC’s services.
       sensors and proprietary technologies within   focused on the execution of our long-term   Selling, general and administrative
       SLB’s drilling and logging suites will result   strategy to create shareholder value.”  expenses were $38.2mn, or 8.3% of revenues
       in the most accurate and highly optimised   US SILICA HOLDINGS, October 24, 2022  in the third quarter of 2022 compared to
       well placement services in the industry,” said                           $35.9mn, or 9.6% of revenues in the prior
       Jesus Lamas, president, Well Construction,   RPC reports third-quarter   quarter. Depreciation and amortisuation
       SLB. “This will transform drilling technology                            was $20.9mn in the third quarter of 2022
       designs while advancing SLB’s autonomous,   2022 financial results       compared to $20.1mn in the second quarter
       self-steering capabilities. I am excited about                           of 2022.
       welcoming the Gyrodata team into SLB’s Well   RPC today announced its unaudited results   RPC, October 26, 2022
       Construction division.”             for the third quarter ended September

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   27•October•2022
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